산업용 통신 및 자동화 분야의 선도 기업 힐셔가 독일 뉘른베르크에서 개최된 SPS(Smart Production Solutions) 2024 무역 박람회 기자 회견을 통해 향후 생산 분야의 핵심 주제로 사이버 보안을 주목하며, 안전한 통신을 위해 ‘netX 900’이라는 차세대 멀티프로토콜 지원형 통신 컨트롤러를 발표했다.
Announcement of the 'netX 900' next-generation multi-protocol support communication controller
“Security mechanisms in production facilities and factories around the world will become much more important over the next five years.”
Hilscher, a leading company in the field of industrial communication and automation, highlighted cybersecurity as a key topic in the future of production at its press conference at the Smart Production Solutions (SPS) 2024 trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany.
“International regulations and national laws will have a major impact on production,” says Thomas Rauch, CTO at Hilscher, adding that Hilscher is strengthening cybersecurity for all devices and machines with digital elements.
“The view that cybersecurity is purely an IT issue is no longer valid,” said Thomas Rauch, noting that all devices, including hardware and software, must comply with these regulations.
“Hillscher also provides an edge management platform that enables manufacturers to maintain their products with security patches,” he said. “We are solving security issues through our netFIELD platform.”
He also said that fieldbus-based systems are expected to continue to be used for the next 10 years, putting pressure on fieldbus technology, and that it could be operated in an isolated form.
In response, Hillshire For secure communication, we announced the next-generation multi-protocol support communication controller called 'netX 900'.
The gigabit-capable SoC already has a security management processing unit implemented that allows users to manage various keys and certificates.
It also has a built-in encryption engine that significantly accelerates the encryption process and a secure interface for debugging.
“With our next-generation netX 900 controllers we are also focusing on high performance in the Gigabit and 100 Mbit range,” says Thomas Rauch. “It is not a complete solution without the corresponding security mechanisms.”