온로봇이 프로그래밍이 필요 없는 로봇 어플리케이션 설치 자동화 플랫폼 ‘D:PLOY(디플로이)를 출시하며 로봇 솔루션 통합 제공자로서 저변을 넓힌다. 온로봇 코리아 최민석 지사장은 “별도의 프로그래밍이 전혀 필요 없는 디플로이 플랫폼을 통해 누구나 쉽게 즉각적으로 로봇 전문가가 될 수 있어 모든 규모의 제조 업체의 협업 자동화 진입을 도울 것”이며, “기존 솔루션 대비 최대 시간 90%까지 줄여 전체 자동화 비용을 절감할 수 있다”고 말했다.
▲OnRobot Enrico Krog Iversen CEO
Deploy, ML-based robotic application automation platform
Support for 7 places including Universal Robots… Installation time reduced by 90% compared to existing models
As the robotics market expands at a rapid pace, solutions targeting not only hardware but also the software market that enables flexible automation tasks are emerging.
OnRobot is expanding its base as an integrated provider of robot solutions by launching 'D:PLOY (Deploy),' an automated robot application installation platform that does not require programming.
Collaborative application company 'OnRobot' held a press conference for the launch of 'D:PLOY' at COEX on the 17th and introduced and demonstrated the platform.
On that day, OnRobot Korea CEO Min-Seok Choi said, “Anyone can easily become a robot expert immediately through the deployment platform that requires absolutely no separate programming, which will help manufacturers of all sizes enter collaborative automation,” and “Compared to existing solutions, it can reduce time by up to 90%, thereby reducing overall automation costs.”
'D:PLOY' is the industry's first automated platform for installing robotic applications. It provides solutions that combine hardware and software to handle various robot applications. It automatically detects hardware equipment, designs robot movements based on obstacles in the workplace and boundaries of the workspace, and can create robot applications in five steps. OnRobot does not require separate programming and is explained to be composed of complex algorithms based on machine learning.
This released 1.0 version supports applications such as △palletizing △CNC machine tending △packaging △transportation, and in the future, △IMM △press brake △stamping, etc. will be added in version 1.1, and △sanding △screwdriving △assembly, etc. will be added in version 2.0. Version 1.1 is scheduled to be released in the middle of this year, and functions will be automatically upgraded when the license is renewed on a subscription basis.
▲Demonstration of palletizing application through OnRobot platform Deployment can reduce batch times by up to 90% in palletizing operations and 83% in machine tending. This equates to a reduction of 36 and 30 hours of engineering time, respectively. It also allows flexible control of the entire process by redeploying applications to fit new product or material types as product requirements change.
System integrators can take on more projects without additional resources, reducing costs and improving profits. “You can simply sell 10 times the amount of the same hardware,” OnRobot said. Additionally, robot manufacturers can expand their market size by taking a fresh approach to existing applications and deploying them quickly and easily.
Currently, OnRobot is collaborating with seven brands including Universal Robots, Doosan Robotics, and Denso, and announced that it supports all products of the collaborating brands. It said that Chinese and Japanese companies will collaborate in the future, and Rainbow Robotics will also collaborate in the second half of the year.
“Collaborative robots, which have been around since industrial robots, have improved accessibility for small and medium-sized businesses, but deploying actual applications has been very complex and difficult,” said Enrico Krog Iversen, CEO. “Deployment does not require programming, so it can lower the automation entry barrier that small, unskilled manufacturers face due to a lack of experts.”
He also expressed his ambition, saying, “As the first version, there will be limitations, but it will establish itself as an innovative platform, like the momentum of moving from DOS to Windows.”
The demonstration that followed explained the five steps of △cell setup △workspace setup △application setup △operation and monitor △relocation, and demonstrated machine tending and palletizing work.