세계적인 전기전자 기업 지멘스의 한국법인 한국지멘스(대표이사·사장 정하중)가 상무·이사급 임원을 포함한 총 48명의 승진자 명단을 2일 발표했다. 이번 승진자 명단에는 차승주 인사관리본부 상무를 비롯해 총 8명의 이사급 이상 임원들이 포함됐다.
Siemens Korea (CEO and President Jung Ha-joong), the Korean subsidiary of the global electrical and electronics company Siemens, announced on the 2nd a list of 48 people who were promoted, including executives at the level of managing directors and directors. The list of those promoted this time includes 8 executives at the level of directors or higher, including Managing Director Cha Seung-joo of the Human Resources Management Division.
■ Promotion to managing director
▷Cha Seung-ju, Executive Director of Human Resources Management Division
■ Promotion to Director
▷Jeong Seong-yeop, Director of Digital Industry
▷Ammon Werner, Director of Digital Industries
▷Eum Ji-seong, Director of Digital Industry
▷Barry Jeong, Smart Infrastructure Director
▷Ji Hyun-wook, Smart Infrastructure Director
▷Director of Smart Infrastructure, Joo Young-sik
▷Choi Nak-chun, Smart Infrastructure Director