한국지멘스(이하 지멘스)가 지난 3월 28일부터 30일까지 코엑스에서 개최한 '오토메이션 월드 2018'에서 다양한 스마트 팩토리 솔루션과 제품을 전시했다.
지멘스는 디지털 트윈, 마인드 스피어, 디지털 엔터프라이즈 TIA 등 생산성 증대, 자동화를 위한 자사의 고성능 제품을 소개했다. 이를 통해 엔지니어링 작업 자동 연결 및 실행, 제품 수명 주기 관리, 가상 시운전, 기계 및 플랜트 보안의 특징을 구현할 수 있다.
다양한 제품과 솔루션 중 지멘스는 디지털 트윈을 주력제품으로 꼽았다. 이는 가상의 환경에서 시운전을 통해 실제 운영에서 발생할 수 있는 위험 요소를 줄이고 기구나 자재 부족 등으로 생기는 손실을 사전에 방지하여 원활한 운행을 돕는 스마트 팩토리 시뮬레이션 시스템이다.
Siemens to Present Digital Twin at Automation World 2018
Utilize the core solution 'PLC Sim Advanced' without installing separate S/W Siemens Korea (hereinafter referred to as Siemens) exhibited various smart factory solutions and products at ‘Automation World 2018’ held at COEX from March 28 to 30.
Siemens showcased its high-performance products for productivity and automation, including Digital Twin, MindSphere, and Digital Enterprise TIA. These enable the automatic connection and execution of engineering tasks, product life cycle management, virtual commissioning, and machine and plant security.
Among various products and solutions, Siemens selected Digital Twin as its main product. This is a smart factory simulation system that helps smooth operation by reducing risk factors that may occur in actual operation through test runs in a virtual environment and preventing losses caused by lack of equipment or materials in advance.

Siemens Digital Twin has various solutions such as PLC controllers, motor drives, and HMIs required for product life cycle (PLM) and existing automation systems. This maximizes the harmony and synergy between simulation parts and controller automation systems for each entity in the simulation. It then generates an integrated image and supports virtual, optimized testing to meet the diverse needs of customers.
The latest solution of Siemens PLC, 'PLC Sim Advanced', is its special feature compared to previous versions or other products. It provides 'PLC Sim Advanced Interface' in the interface provided by the software simulation environment NX MCD (Machine Concept Design), so direct mutual data exchange is possible without installing additional gateways, emulators, and other separate software. Based on compatibility, it can save engineering hosts and supports convenience for users, maximizing utilization.
Siemens' Digital Twin emphasized that 3D tool-based simulations are already being commercialized to some extent in the automotive industry, and that this trend will allow new technologies to be applied to existing solutions without special difficulties or more hosts or engineers. It seems that existing engineers, developers who are new to Siemens' virtual communication, and consumers will be able to use it without much difficulty.
Koo Kyo-sik, an engineer at Siemens Automation Division in Korea, expressed his expectations, saying, “In the past, we focused only on products and mainly showcased our technological prowess at exhibitions, but at Automation World 2018, we plan to use demo equipment and software simulations to introduce solutions that allow customers and visitors to visually experience and feel our technology, as well as our technological prowess, thereby increasing customer understanding.”