RAPA 전파방송통신교육원과 부산TP 미래수송기기기술단은 ‘자율주행차’ 산업분야 재직자 전문 인력 양성 상호 협력을 위한 업무협약을 5일 부산테크노파크에서 체결했다.
Development of education and training programs and joint hosting of technical education, seminars, and workshops
We plan to promote and share information and discover best practices and career growth for employees. As interest in fostering professional manpower in the radio and ICT convergence industries grows, the Korea Radio Promotion Association (hereinafter referred to as RAPA) and Busan Technopark (hereinafter referred to as Busan TP) are joining forces to foster professional manpower in the autonomous vehicle field and utilize and promote mutual networks.
RAPA Radio and Broadcasting Education Institute and Busan TP Future Transportation Equipment Technology Group signed a business agreement for mutual cooperation in training professional manpower in the autonomous vehicle industry at Busan Techno Park on the 5th.
The two organizations announced that they would actively engage in exchanges through the following means: △development of education and training programs, △joint hosting of technical education, seminars, and workshops, △continuous career growth to strengthen the capabilities of employees, △cooperation in discovering and promoting best practices, and △information exchange and mutual consultation to foster specialized human resources in the autonomous vehicle field.
Kim Gu-nyeon, the director of RAPA Radio Broadcasting and Communication Education Institute, said, “Through this agreement, we expect to provide educational infrastructure of Busan TP Future Transportation Equipment Technology Group in the autonomous vehicle field and on-site educational services to employees of small and medium-sized venture companies in the southeastern region who have difficulty receiving educational benefits compared to the metropolitan area, and to provide a good opportunity to foster excellent professional human resources in the relevant industry.” He added, “Through this business agreement, we hope to foster professional human resources in the radio and ICT convergence industry.”“We will actively communicate to foster the autonomous vehicle industry as well as foster autonomous vehicle technology,” he said.
Kim Ho-jin, head of the Future Transportation Device Technology Group at Busan Technopark, said, “Through this agreement, we will strive to provide specialized technical training in radio and ICT convergence to small and medium-sized enterprises in the Busan area and the southeastern region, thereby contributing greatly to the revitalization of the autonomous vehicle industry.”
RAPA is an organization under the Ministry of Science and ICT that establishes the foundation for the promotion of the radio broadcasting industry and serves as a bridge between the industry and the government in accordance with the Radio Act. Recently, we are focusing our capabilities on discovering businesses to spread core radio broadcasting technologies and establish a foundation for the digital transformation era.
In particular, the Radio Broadcasting and Communications Education Institute, an affiliated organization of the association, is a core professional training institution that will open the era of radio broadcasting and communications convergence accelerated by the 4th industrial revolution. It supports capacity building of employees at small and medium-sized venture companies and employment of prospective employees through education in new digital transformation knowledge fields such as radio and information communication education and broadcast media, metaverse, virtual reality, and cloud.
Busan TP Future Transportation Equipment Technology Group is promoting various support tasks such as building basic infrastructure, supporting technology development, and testing and certification to foster the automobile industry and advanced transportation industry in Busan and the southeastern region.
Meanwhile, RAPA Radio Broadcasting and Communications Education Center has been operating the 'Training for Professionals Leading the Radio Utilization Industry' since March.
In addition, two group training courses, ‘Autonomous Driving Wireless Technology and Measurement Solutions (April 6-7)’ and ‘Radio Law and Latest Autonomous Driving Technology Standards for PM (Project Manager) (April 27-28)’ will be conducted in collaboration with the Busan TP Future Transportation Device Technology Group.
In June, we plan to conduct SW-based simulation training on ‘Radar Simulation for Autonomous Driving (June 8-9)’ and ‘Design Rule-based Circuit and PCB Verification (June 28-29).’
For detailed inquiries about the curriculum, please contact the RAPA Radio Broadcasting and Communication Education Center ICT Convergence Education Team (02-317-6133).