과학기술정보통신부 박윤규 제2차관이 16일 알뜰폰스퀘어에 방문해 최근 발표한 ‘통신비 부담 완화 방안’의 이행상황을 점검하고 알뜰폰 요금제 출시 확대를 독려했다고 밝혔다.
Check the price of telecommunications charges at the Jongno-gu Altel Phone Square
Emphasizes policy promotion such as permanent establishment of wholesale provision obligation system
The Ministry of Science and ICT inspected the implementation status of measures to ease the burden of telecommunication costs.
Park Yoon-gyu, 2nd Vice Minister of Science and ICT, visited the Altel Phone Square on the 16th to inspect the implementation status of the recently announced 'Measures to Alleviate the Burden of Telecommunication Costs' and encouraged the expansion of the launch of Altel Phone rate plans.
'Altel Phone Square' opened in Jongno-gu, Seoul in October 2020 as a space where citizens can experience Altel phone terminals, thereby improving user accessibility. Visitors can receive information on services and rate plans by Altel phone service provider and receive support for signing up for customized rate plans.
On this day, Vice Minister Park confirmed the current status of various affordable phone plans that are 30% cheaper than the three mobile carriers. He received recommendations for the optimal affordable phone plan based on the amount of voice calls, data, and text messages he used, and also listened to opinions on inconveniences that occur during the use of affordable phones.
In order to ease the burden of telecommunications costs, the government has improved the system so that users can choose between LTE plans for 5G devices and 5G plans for LTE devices starting in November. Starting in the first quarter of 2024, the system will be revised by creating a new 30,000 won 5G plan with a minimum price range and segmenting small sections.
In addition, it encouraged the launch of two types of low- to mid-priced terminals in the 300,000 to 800,000 won range within the year and three to four types in the first half of 2024, and KT completed the launch of a low- to mid-priced terminal in the 400,000 won range. Support for new business entry was also strengthened to promote competition in rates, marketing, and quality.
Park Yoon-gyu, Second Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and ICT, encouraged mobile carriers by saying, “In order to reduce the burden of household telecommunications costs for the people, there is a need to expand the launch of more cost-effective mobile carrier rate plans,” and emphasized, “To this end, the Ministry of Science and ICT will actively pursue necessary policies such as making the wholesale provision mandatory and reducing radio wave usage fees for small and medium-sized mobile carriers.”