고용노동부는 지방고용노동관서장과 산업안전감독관들이 전국 리튬 등 위험물질을 제조?취급하는 사업장, 화재 사고 위험성이 높은 1?2차 전지 관련 사업장 등을 대상으로 화재?폭발 위험 방지를 위한 안전수칙 준수 여부를 중점 점검한다고 10일 전했다.
Follow-up measures related to the fire accident at the Mars Aricel factory
Check compliance with safety rules to prevent fire and explosion hazards The Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency are conducting on-site inspections to prevent similar fire and explosion accidents as a follow-up measure to the fire accident at the Hwaseong Aricell factory.
The Ministry of Employment and Labor announced on the 10th that regional employment and labor office heads and industrial safety supervisors will focus on inspecting compliance with safety rules to prevent fire and explosion hazards at workplaces nationwide that manufacture or handle hazardous materials such as lithium, and workplaces related to primary and secondary batteries with a high risk of fire accidents.
During this on-site inspection, we plan to confirm and inspect the 'key compliance items' for preventing fire and explosion accidents, such as △installation and maintenance of emergency exits, △installation of appropriate fire extinguishing equipment, and emergency response systems, and in particular, to ensure that △safety and health education for workers, including foreigners, is implemented on-site.
In addition, we plan to distribute the ‘10 Safety Rules for Safe Chemical Handling’ and work with related associations and organizations such as the Korea Battery Industry Association to guide and urge thorough implementation of the 10 safety rules in the field.
Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jeong-sik said, “Workplaces that manufacture or handle hazardous chemicals such as lithium should use this fire accident as a lesson to inspect the risks of fire and explosions at their workplaces in advance and take measures to improve risk factors.”He also urged, “In particular, in workplaces where there is a risk of fire and explosion, safety rules such as installing and maintaining emergency exits and installing appropriate fire extinguishing equipment must be observed, and regular education and training must be provided to workers, including foreign workers, to enhance their ability to respond to dangerous situations.”