LG전자가 디자인을 강조한 TV 겸용 모니터를 출시했다.
27형 크기 ‘룸앤 TV(Room& TV, 모델명: 27TK600D)’는 ‘내 방과 어울리는 TV 모니터’라는 의미로, 깔끔한 디자인이 특징이다. LG전자는 1인 가구수가 점차 늘고, 소비자들이 디자인을 중요하게 생각하는 트렌드에 주목해 이 제품을 출시했다. 통계청에 따르면, 국내 1인 가구 비중은 2000년 15.5%에서 2016년 약 28%까지 상승했다. 가구 수로는 540만에 달한다.
A design that reveals soft curves from any direction LG Electronics has released a TV-compatible monitor that emphasizes design.
The 27-inch 'Room& TV (model name: 27TK600D)' means 'a TV monitor that matches my room' and is characterized by its clean design. LG Electronics released this product after paying attention to the increasing number of single-person households and the trend of consumers considering design important. According to Statistics Korea, the proportion of single-person households in Korea increased from 15.5% in 2000 to about 28% in 2016. The number of households reached 5.4 million.
LG Electronics applied a design that fits well in any space to the 'Room & TV'. The corners are rounded to reveal a soft curve regardless of whether you look at it from the front, back, or side, and the product is painted in a clean white color. The product, which is reminiscent of Nordic furniture, not only matches well with the interior, but also looks great as an interior decoration.
'Room & TV' increases space efficiency with its various uses. This product has a built-in TV tuner, so it can be used as a TV. Users can use 'Room & TV' as a monitor by connecting it to a PC. There is no need to purchase and install both a monitor and a TV, so space can be used efficiently and product purchase costs can be saved.
Convenience is also excellent. Users can enjoy content such as music, videos, and images by connecting a USB to the 'Room & TV' without a PC or other peripheral devices. This product has two built-in 5W (watt) output speakers, which is enough to enjoy movies, music, etc. The resolution is Full HD (1,920X1,080). The shipping price is 369,000 won.
Son Dae-gi, head of HE Marketing at LG Electronics Korea Sales Headquarters, emphasized, “We will capture the hearts of customers with ‘Room & TV,’ which has a design that highlights indoor spaces and a variety of uses.”