스테이지엑스가 본격적인 사업 추진을 위해 컨소시엄 참여사들과 함께 정기 간담회를 5일 개최했다고 밝혔다. 해당 간담회는 조직을 갖춘 후 정식으로 개최한 킥오프 성격 간담회이다.
Regular meeting held with 5 companies and consortium
Discussions on selecting roaming partners, securing frequencies, etc.
StageX held a meeting with consortium participants and discussed the direction of business advancement.
StageX announced that it held a regular meeting with consortium participants on the 5th to fully launch its business. This meeting was a kick-off meeting held officially after the organization was formed.
StageX has shared the discussion content in advance with the consortium members including Yanolja, Thezone Biz On, Humax, and Shinhan Investment & Securities, and plans to regularize this meeting to ensure close communication and agreement among the participating companies.
The meeting that day proceeded in the order that CEO Sangwon Seo explained the major achievements and current issues and discussed the direction of business promotion. Specifically, discussions and communication took place on the following: △Organizational structure results and recruitment plan △Progress and achievements in selecting roaming partners △Status of establishing overseas strategic partnerships △Progress in selecting cloud partners △StageX tech platform, X-Platform strategy △Capital attraction plan after initial capital △Plan to secure mid-band frequencies.
A StageX official explained the purpose of the meeting, saying, “The participant meeting was a meaningful opportunity to share achievements from the establishment to the present and discuss future plans as a communication channel for the StageX consortium.”