KT는 롯데월드타워 전망대 서울스카이와 서울 송파구 제2롯데월드 서울스카이에서 ‘로봇 제휴 사업을 위한 협약’을 체결했다고 밝혔다.
이번 사업 협약을 통해 양사는 5G 로봇을 매개로 ▲전망대 관람 안내(날씨, 층별 안내) ▲다국어 안내 ▲음성 인식 대화 ▲자율주행 등을 제공해 관람객이 새로운 방식으로 정보를 안내 받고 5G 기술을 체험할 수 있도록 로봇을 운영할 계획이다.
롯데월드타워 서울스카이에서 운영되는 5G 로봇은 지난 평창에서 세계최초로 보여준 KT의 5G 네트워크 운영 노하우와 자율주행 그리고 KT 융합기술원의 AI 로봇기술 등을 바탕으로 서울스카이 대표 캐릭터 ‘로타’의 모양을 본떠 만들어졌다.
5G robot guides you through the observatory KT announced that it signed an 'Agreement for Robot Partnership Business' at Lotte World Tower Observatory Seoul Sky and Lotte World 2 Seoul Sky in Songpa-gu, Seoul.
Through this business agreement, the two companies plan to operate the robots so that visitors can receive information in new ways and experience 5G technology by providing ▲observatory tour guidance (weather, floor-by-floor guidance) ▲multilingual guidance ▲voice recognition conversation ▲autonomous driving, etc. using 5G robots.
The 5G robot operating at Lotte World Tower Seoul Sky was created in the shape of Seoul Sky's representative character 'Lota' based on KT's 5G network operation know-how, autonomous driving, and AI robot technology from KT Convergence Technology Institute, which were demonstrated for the first time in the world in Pyeongchang.

Visitors to Seoul Sky can select the Seoul Sky introduction menu in front of the Rota robot and hear the robot say, “I will help you guide Seoul Sky.” By shouting the voice command wake word along with a simple voice command such as “Take me to the 118th floor,” they can immediately check the viewing information and facilities for that floor.
In addition, you can experience the autonomous driving function of a robot driven by ultra-low latency technology, which is an advantage of the 5G network, and you can also enjoy simple voice conversations with AI robots.
The deployed robots will operate on the 5G network on the 117th floor of Seoul Sky until the end of April, and then will be switched to LTE/WiFi network-based robots starting in May and will operate on the basement level and the 118th floor until the end of July.
KT Marketing Division Head Vice President Lee Pil-jae said, “We are grateful that through this business agreement, we can provide guidance services using KT 5G technology to visitors to Seoul Sky,” and added, “We hope that this will be an unforgettable experience for visitors.”