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Collaboration with people… Easy control and safety
Introduction to practical application cases of industrial collaborative robots
Experts have suggested that collaborative robots can improve productivity by solving the problem of a decreasing production population and labor shortage in industrial settings in response to the decline in national vitality due to low birth rates and an aging population.
At the e4ds webinar on May 18, Jaeho Shim, Manager of Universal Robots, introduced collaborative robots, which are different from existing industrial robots, and presented their advantages and application cases.
Unlike existing industrial robots designed for mass production, collaborative robots assist workers with simple, repetitive tasks in a space without fences for collaborative work with people. They are designed to be easily controlled even without specialized knowledge.
Universal Robots, which maintains a 40-50% share of the domestic and international collaborative robot market, is collaborating with more than 300 UR+ products in 20 countries. As of 2021, sales of cooperative vehicles reached 65,000 units.
Manager Shim said, "Universal Robots was first developed in 2008 and has achieved high quality through much trial and error," and "Many robots have been introduced into industrial sites and have many references."
On this day, Universal Robots’ Sim Manager claimed that flexible production and increased production could be achieved by deploying robots throughout the production line. The ROI in a two-shift work environment was introduced as being more than two years on average.
Universal Robots' robot arm has many functions based on position control. It senses force to avoid danger, and uses 3D cameras and vision to control. The robot arm can be customized according to the situation. It can be easily controlled through a PC or PLC.
It is equipped with an algorithm to reduce the reduction gear problem, and additional software is also provided to detect potential failures in advance. The primary advantage of collaborative robots is that customers can easily maintain them, but when necessary, Universal Robots can help customers with maintenance on site or remotely. Since there are no consumables, the cost is low.
Mr. Shim explained that Universal Robots has a total of 17 safety features to prevent collisions with people during robot operation. Universal Robots are manufactured in compliance with ISO 10218-1 and ISO 13849-1. It has been third-party certified by TUV.
The webinar presented examples of how Universal Robots' collaborative robots are currently being used in industrial settings.
For example, collaborative robots help with simple, repetitive tasks such as loading packages, bolting on the bottom of cars, manufacturing wooden tableware, and inspecting touch screens.
DCL Logistics, a logistics company responsible for packaging and shipping product orders, has achieved not only increased productivity but also a 0% defect rate by introducing Universal Robots' collaborative robots.
“Currently, collaborative robots are most widely used in welding, palletizing, and machine tending, and are reducing costs,” said Manager Shim.
As the meaning of welfare that guarantees a balance between work and daily life spreads, collaborative robots are expected to increase job satisfaction by helping workers perform 3D tasks, thereby ensuring safety and supporting efficient work.