글로벌 디지털 인프라 기업 에퀴닉스(Equinix)는 1일 연례 글로벌 상호연결 지수(GXI) 2024를 발표했다. 해당 자료에 따르면 2026년까지 약 80%의 신규 기업 디지털 인프라 투자는 구독 기반 모델을 통해 운영될 것이라고 예측했다.
Moving away from purchasing physical equipment and adopting the cloud↑
Seoul Interconnection Bandwidth Expected to Reach 190Tbps
By 2026, 80% of new businesses are expected to invest in digital infrastructure leveraging subscription-based services.
Global digital infrastructure company Equinix released its annual Global Interconnection Index (GXI) 2024 on the 1st. According to the data, it is predicted that by 2026, approximately 80% of new corporate digital infrastructure investments will be operated through subscription-based models.
According to the GXI 2024 report, IT decision makers are increasingly moving away from purchasing physical equipment such as servers, routers, and storage arrays and toward flexible subscription-based models to meet the ever-growing demand for high-density data technologies such as AI, 5G, and edge computing.
The recent shift from capital expenditures (CAPEX) to operating expenses (OPEX) began with the adoption of multi-cloud, but is now standard across all infrastructure and edge. “This will enable enterprises to design their infrastructure with greater agility and access the most efficient technologies wherever they are,” Equinix said.
“The traditional procurement process of buying unnecessary IT hardware equipment is increasingly a disadvantage to enterprises,” said Steve Madden, Equinix vice president of digital transformation and segments. “The pace of hardware innovation, especially in GPU technology, is accelerating, putting further pressure on price-performance ratios and infrastructure efficiency. As enterprises around the world transition to digital, they need to become more agile as they better adapt to dynamic change. Subscription models allow enterprises to easily adopt new technologies while continuously improving what they are already implementing.”
The GXI 2024 report states that global interconnection bandwidth is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 34% to reach 33,578 terabits per second (Tbps) by 2026. The Asia Pacific region is expected to account for 28% of the global interconnection bandwidth, growing at a CAGR of 35% to reach 9,283 Tbps by 2026.
Additionally, companies are connecting with 30% more business partners in twice as many locations. Edge infrastructure has the highest growth rate and is expected to expand more than twice as fast as core business through 2026.
“In today’s dynamic environment, the only way to build and scale a digital infrastructure that can withstand business transformation driven by AI, edge and other technologies is with a subscription-based model for a thriving ecosystem,” said Elias Khnaser, head of research at EK Media Group.
“The fastest-growing service providers in the Asia Pacific region are hyperscale providers,” said Hyeduk Jang, Equinix Korea Country Manager. “This phenomenon provides Equinix with a huge opportunity to expand its hyperscale business by operating its first xScale facility in Korea in the first quarter of 2024. The recently launched ‘Equinix Fabric Cloud Router’ will also accelerate the adoption of multicloud by enabling Korean enterprises to easily and efficiently connect applications across multiple clouds.”