‘케어로봇’ 전문기업 라이노스는 AI 청소로봇 ‘휠리’의 무료 시연 이벤트를 5일부터 실시한다. 오는 9월 본격 출시를 앞두고 펼쳐지는 라이노스의 이번 이벤트는 청소 구역 맵핑 및 감지시스템 등 일반 청소로봇에서는 아쉽게 느껴졌던 활동을 휠리가 어떻게 ‘AI 청소로봇’답게 해결하는지, 고객이 실제 사용 공간에서 확인할 수 있는지를 보여 줄 예정이다.
2-day on-site customized cleaning demonstration centered on multi-service companies such as hotels, resorts, and golf courses
For customers who are unfamiliar with AI cleaning robots, an opportunity was provided to demonstrate on-site customized cleaning for two days, focusing on multi-service businesses such as hotels, resorts, and golf courses.
Rhinos, a company specializing in 'care robots', announced that it will hold a free demonstration event for its AI cleaning robot 'Wheely' starting on the 5th.
The Wheelie is an upgraded version of the cleaning robot manufactured by BIB Robotics of China's Yijiahe, tailored to the demanding needs of the Korean market.
Rhinos' upcoming event, which will be held ahead of its full launch in September, will show how Wheelie, as an 'AI cleaning robot', can solve activities that were considered lacking in general cleaning robots, such as cleaning area mapping and detection systems, and how customers can check this in an actual usage space.
Anyone who has a space that needs a cleaning robot can apply for this program. In particular, this event was planned to target the multi-service industry.
The two Rhinos AI cleaning robot Wheelies that will be used in the demonstration event are comprised of products with SW upgrades optimized for the Korean environment and designed to clean even the smallest details.
Lee Sang-rak, CEO of Rhinos, said, “Applications are also open to organizations and companies that have introduced cleaning robots so far. I hope that this will be an opportunity to experience the usefulness and necessity of cleaning robots through many applications and demonstrations,” adding, “We plan to release robots capable of cleaning specific areas through a continuous product lineup.”
He then expressed his confidence by saying, “We will introduce the functions of the AI cleaning robot ‘Wheely’ through a free demonstration event and clearly demonstrate what the saying ‘seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times.’”
This free demonstration program is scheduled to run for one month starting August 5th, and applications can be made through the website.