국토교통부(장관 원희룡)는 자율주행, UAM 등 다양한 모빌리티 수단이 구현될 수 있는 미래모빌리티도시 조성을 위한 ‘모빌리티 특화도시 공모사업’을 본격적으로 추진한다. 올해 처음으로 추진되는 공모사업은 6월12일부터 8월4일까지 8주간 공모를 통해 지자체 신청을 받은 후 서면평가 및 발표평가를 거쳐 8월말 선정할 예정이다.
Preliminary briefing on June 8, application from the 12th, selection at the end of August
A public contest to create a future mobility city where cutting-edge mobility services will be implemented throughout the city and citizens' mobility will be innovatively increased is underway.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Minister Won Hee-ryong) announced on the 7th that it will fully launch the 'Mobility Specialized City Competition' to create a future mobility city where various mobility methods such as autonomous driving and UAM can be implemented.
The public offering project, which is being promoted for the first time this year, will receive applications from local governments through an eight-week public offering from June 12 to August 4, and will then undergo written and presentation evaluations before being selected at the end of August.
This contest will be divided into two types: one that supports the establishment of urban plans for new cities according to the stage of urban development, and one that supports mobility innovation projects for existing cities.
The 'Future Mobility City' type supports up to 700 million won (national budget) in the cost of establishing a master plan and other urban planning for one new city where advanced mobility can be applied from the urban planning stage.
The 'Mobility Innovation Support Type' will provide up to KRW 1 billion in national funds per year (5:5 matching with local funds) for up to two years to two existing cities that are transforming into cities with optimized mobility by introducing cutting-edge mobility technologies tailored to the conditions of each region.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced on June 8 that it would hold a public contest for local governments, public institutions and mobile operators.We plan to hold a 'Mobility Specialized City Competition Preliminary Briefing Session' where tea-related businesses and others can freely attend.
Shim Ji-young, Director General of the Mobility Division at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, said, “This public offering is the first step toward creating a future mobility city, and we plan to work to ensure that urban models implementing various cutting-edge mobility systems can spread nationwide in the future.”