산업통상자원부(이하 산업부)가 프랑스의 전기차 생산 과정의 탄소 배출량을 기존 보조금 지급 기준에 추가 반영하겠다는 내용의 개편안에 적극적으로 대응할 것이라 밝혔다.
Subsidies for electric vehicles with a combined carbon footprint and recycling score of 60 or more
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy asks France not to include elements discriminatory against foreign companies
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) announced that it will actively respond to France's revision plan that would additionally reflect carbon emissions from the electric vehicle production process in the existing subsidy payment standards.
The French Ministry for Energy Transition, together with the Ministry for the Economy and the Ministry for Ecological Transition, is currently promoting a reform of France's electric vehicle subsidies, and announced that it will release a draft of the reform plan on the 28th of last month and collect public opinion until the 25th of this month.
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has been continuously monitoring the French government’s subsidy trends, and at the 19th Korea-France Industrial Cooperation Committee held on June 8, it requested France to ensure that when revising the standards for electric vehicle subsidies, △no discriminatory elements against overseas companies are included and △the standards are not set excessively.
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has been closely analyzing the details and the impact on our companies together with the industry since sharing the relevant content with the domestic industry immediately after the announcement of the draft on the 28th of last month, and plans to submit the opinions of our government and industry on the draft to the French government by the 25th of this month based on the analysis.
In addition, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy plans to continue to closely consult with the French government to ensure that our position is reflected as much as possible in the final plan to reform electric vehicle subsidies.
The main content of this revision is to additionally reflect the carbon emissions (carbon footprint) of the electric vehicle production process in the existing subsidy payment criteria.
Vehicles with an environmental score of at least 60 points, which is the sum of the carbon footprint score and the recycling score.It contains provisions to provide subsidies, and the carbon footprint score is the sum of carbon emissions by production area for each sector (steel, aluminum, other materials, batteries, assembly, and transportation).
The French side reported that the recycling score is calculated by taking into account factors such as the use of recycled materials and biomaterials, and the possibility of battery repair (the detailed calculation criteria have not yet been determined).
The effective date is January 1, 2024, but a grace period of six months is provided.
Meanwhile, Hyundai and Kia's electric vehicle sales in France in 2022 were 16,570 units, ranking 5th in the French electric vehicle market.
Among the models sold, Kona, Niro, and Soul (68.4%) are receiving subsidies, while Ioniq 5 and EV6 (31.6%) are excluded from subsidies as they exceed the subsidy ceiling price (47,000 euros).