9년이라는 장기간 동안 담합으로 삼성전자 반도체 공정에 제어 시스템을 납품해 오던 업체들이 적발돼 104억5,900만원의 과징금을 부과받았다. 반도체 제조원가에도 반영되는 이번 납품 담합은 국내 반도체 경쟁력을 약화시키는 만큼 이번 건을 계기로 정부는 담합 행위 근절을 위해 적극 나서겠다는 방침이다.

▲Need for a control and monitoring system for semiconductor processes, etc.
A total of 334 cases over 9 years, collusion in bidders, bid prices, etc.
Semiconductor process control and monitoring system, manufacturing cost also reflected
Companies that had been supplying control systems to Samsung Electronics' semiconductor processes through collusion for a long period of nine years were caught and fined 10.459 billion won. The government plans to take active steps to eradicate collusion in supply, as this collusion, which is also reflected in the semiconductor manufacturing cost, weakens the competitiveness of domestic semiconductors.
The Fair Trade Commission (Chairman Han Ki-jung) announced on the 2nd that it decided to impose a total of KRW 10.459 billion in fines along with corrective orders on 13 companies engaged in the manufacturing of machinery for semiconductor manufacturing, etc. in relation to collusion in the listing of expected successful bidders and bidding prices in advance while participating in a total of 334 bids related to semiconductor process control and monitoring systems commissioned by Samsung SDS Co., Ltd. from 2015 to 2023.
The companies caught are: PSENG Co., Ltd., Doota IT Co., Ltd., Mecatechnology Co., Ltd., Einstec Co., Ltd., Changgong FA Co., Ltd., Changseong Ace Industry Co., Ltd., Korea Data Corporation Co., Ltd., Tasco Co., Ltd., Power Telecom Co., Ltd., Hantek Co., Ltd., Hanwha Convergence Co., Ltd., Hyupsung Electric Co., Ltd., and Daean C&I Co., Ltd.
The semiconductor process control and monitoring system is primarily intended to maintain optimal conditions for semiconductor manufacturing and ensure worker safety.
It includes the SMCS (Specialty gas Monitoring & Control System) that monitors for toxic gas leaks and helps workers evacuate quickly in the event of a hazardous situation, the PCS (Pump, Chiller, Scrubber Monitoring & Control System) that monitors and controls chemical discharge devices, and the FMCS (Facility Monitoring & Control System) that maintains the optimal temperature and environment for semiconductor manufacturing. The cost of building and maintaining each system is also reflected in the semiconductor manufacturing cost.
In order to build each system, △control panel production △software development △information and communication construction are required, and Samsung SDS is mainly ordering some of these three items from Samsung Electronics.
In 2015, Samsung SDS changed the procurement method for control and monitoring systems, which had been operated through a de facto contract system, to a de facto competitive bidding system in order to reduce costs.
This prompted the 12 partner companies to collude to prevent low-price orders and block the entry of new competitors.
The 12 partner companies agreed around 2015 to continue to win bids for items that they had previously received through negotiated contracts even after the procurement method was changed, and to this end, other companies agreed to participate in the bid as supporters.
Ten companies, including PSI&G, Tasco, Hantech, Doosan IT, Korea Data, Einstec, Hyupsung Electric, Mecatechnology, Changsung Ace Industry, and Power Telecom, agreed and implemented the agreement to designate PSI&G or Tasco as the in principle successful bidders for the SMCS construction project from 2015 to January 2023, with other bidders participating as supporting bidders.
The four companies, Einstec, PSI&G, Tasco, and Hantek, agreed to designate Einstec as the prospective successful bidder for the PCS construction project from 2016 to 2020, with other bidders participating as supporting bidders, and implemented this.
Ten companies, including Hantech, Mecatechnology, Korea Data, Hyupsung Electric, Doosan IT, PSIE&G, Tasco, Einstec, Hanwha Convergence, and Changgong FA, agreed to designate Hantech as the principle successful bidder for the SMCS control panel bid from June 2016 to January 2023, and Mecatechnology as the principle successful bidder for the FMCS control panel bid, while other companies would participate in the bid as supporting bidders, and implemented this.
Five companies, including Mecatechnology, Hantech, Korea Data, Doosan IT, and Hanwha Convergence, agreed to designate Mecatechnology as the principle successful bidder for software (SMCS, FMCS) bidding from November 2016 to October 2022, with other bidders participating as supporting bidders, and implemented this.
After that, the successful bidder for each item will bid After the announcement, the bid price and quotation were sent to Deulreurisa via e-mail, KakaoTalk, etc., and Deulreurisa executed the agreement by bidding at the price range received.
A Fair Trade Commission official said, “This measure is the first case of detecting and sanctioning collusion related to the manufacturing of semiconductors, a key national industry, and we hope that this will serve as an opportunity to eradicate the chronic collusion practices that could weaken the competitiveness of the semiconductor industry.” The official added, “The Fair Trade Commission plans to further strengthen its monitoring of collusion in the intermediate goods sector that weakens industrial competitiveness and causes consumer harm, and to respond sternly when violations of the law are detected.”