과학기술정보통신부가 SKT에 사전 통지한 5세대(5G) 28㎓ 주파수 할당취소 처분에 대해 행정절차법 상 의견청취 절차가 완료됨에 따라 처분 내용을 최종 확정했다.
Following LGU+ and KT, final confirmation… Subway backhaul network continues
The Ministry of Science and ICT cancels the allocation of the 5G 28GHz frequency band to SKT and encourages the entry of new operators.
The Ministry of Science and ICT announced that it has finalized the contents of the disposition as the public opinion hearing procedure under the Administrative Procedure Act has been completed regarding the disposition to cancel the allocation of the 28 GHz frequency for 5th generation (5G) that it had notified SKT in advance.
On the 12th, the Ministry of Science and ICT notified SKT in advance of the allocation cancellation order due to non-fulfillment of allocation conditions, and on the 23rd, held a hearing (presided over by attorney Song Do-young of the law firm Beat) to hear the opinions of the subject of the order.
During the hearing, SKT said, “We feel a heavy sense of responsibility for not being able to fulfill the allocation conditions,” but did not express any separate objections to the pre-announced disposition.
SKT's use of the 28 GHz band will be discontinued after May 31, but SKT has expressed its intention to continue building and operating subway Wi-Fi that utilizes the 28 GHz band, which is currently under construction, as a backhaul.
Accordingly, the Ministry of Science and ICT acknowledged the need for exceptional measures for subway Wi-Fi, taking into account the public interest aspect of improving public convenience.
SKT will expand its free subway Wi-Fi service to other lines in Seoul and the metropolitan area and other metropolitan cities after the end of November this year. As the government has expressed its intention to continue discussions with the government and third-party companies regarding this, it plans to pursue detailed discussions with telecommunications companies.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Science and ICT announced plans to announce details related to frequency allocation through an allocation notice.
Choi Woo-hyuk, director of the Ministry of Science and ICT’s Radio Policy Bureau, said, “It is regrettable that despite the government’s active efforts, all three companies ultimately had their allocations canceled,” and added, “We will continue to promote the revitalization of the domestic 28 GHz band ecosystem by inducing the entry of new operators so that the public can enjoy a higher level of 5G service.”