통일부와 교육부는 5월20일부터 26일까지 ‘모두가 누리는 자유, 함께 이루는 통일’이라는 주제로 제12회 통일교육 주간을 개최한다.
Ministry of Unification and Ministry of Education, aiming to enhance the national will for unification
Various events held at the National Museum of Korea in Yongsan

The government is hosting various events across the country, including at the National Museum of Korea in Yongsan and the Dream Forest in Buk Seoul, to raise the people's will for unification.
The Ministry of Unification and the Ministry of Education will host the 12th Unification Education Week from May 20 to 26 with the theme of “Freedom for All, Unification Achieved Together.”
Unification Education Week is a legal week that began in 2013 to raise the people's will for unification.
At the commemorative ceremony held on the 20th in the main auditorium of the National Museum of Korea in Yongsan, various providers and recipients of unification education will gather together to share their thoughts on a desirable unified future with the keywords of ‘freedom, future, and hope.’
△Unification choir of South, North, and overseas Korean youth △Free unification messages (video) from citizens at home and abroad △Commemorative speeches by the Ministry of Unification and the Minister of Education △Awarding of commendations for meritorious service and appointment certificates to the Central Council of Unification Education Committee Chairmen △Congratulatory performance by musical actor Min Woo-hyuk, etc. will be held.
In the second part, Minister of Unification Kim Young-ho, comedian Kim Ji-min, German broadcaster Daniel Lindemann, North Korean defector YouTuber Kang Nara, winner of the Republic of Korea Unification, Diplomacy, and Security Debate Festival Yoo Yong-jae, and Korean youth Yang Hyeon-gyu from New Zealand will participate in the 'Freedom Talk Talk Show' with the 2030 generation from South Korea, North Korea, and overseas.quo; continues.
In particular, during the ceremony, the first inauguration ceremony of the Unification and Security Field Trip (for the general public), which will be held for the first time this year, will also be held.
The National Institute for Unification Education is operating a new unification and security field trip program by combining field trips and educational activities, selecting 50 locations by theme, such as △Imagine a Unified Future and △Protection of Liberal Democracy, and creating 10 experiential courses.
The first tour was held in May, Family Month, and 50 families were recruited in advance. Participants will visit sites of unification wishes and clean ecosystems in Goseong, Inje, Yanggu, Yeoncheon, etc., and vividly experience the meaning of division and the value of unification.
Starting with this semester, the field trip will be operated as a total of ten times through October, with customized courses by theme and target.
On the weekend of the 25th and 26th, the Unification Dreamland event will be held in the area around the Dream Forest Cultural Plaza in Buk Seoul, where future generations can run around freely and think about unification.
△2030 Unification Golden Bell △Unification Culture Plaza △Mulmangcho Photo Studio △Unification Metaverse Experience (separated families visiting their hometowns, etc.) △Writing your own Unification Calligraphy △Unification Board Game, etc., will be prepared with various experience events and booths.
In addition, we hold the Ministry of Unification Minister and Vice Minister's Daily Unification Teachers, Unification Education Academic Conference, 50-Second Unification Shorts Film Festival Awards Ceremony, Children's Reporter Corps Inauguration Ceremony, etc., and support various unification education activities that take place in schools and local communities nationwide during Education Week.
On the 21st, the Minister of Unification will visit Hanyang University as a one-day unification teacher, and on the 23rd, the Vice Minister will visit Kongju National University of Education to communicate directly with future generations.
On the 22nd, an academic conference will be held by the Unification Education Research Center within the National Institute for Unification Education on the topic of ‘Unification Preparation and Unification Education with North Korean Defectors.’
On the 24th, a 50-second unified shortThe film festival preview and awards ceremony will be held on the 25th, and the Ministry of Unification's Children's Reporter Corps inauguration ceremony will be held. In addition, unification education activities and events independently carried out by elementary, middle, and high schools, provincial offices of education, and leading unification education universities across the country will be supported.
Local communities will also hold local online and offline events such as the Unification 100-day event (Cheongnam), Unification Concert (Gyeongbuk), and Unification Cultural Event (Gyeongin, Gyeongnam, and Jeju).
In addition, we plan to provide learning materials that can be used in educational settings and hold various events that will allow you to feel the joy of participation.