MCU는 CPU나 GPU와 다르게 낯설지만, 가장 많이 사용되는 반도체 중 하나다. ST 시스템 솔루션 랩의 유지 카와노 매니저에게 MCU의 활용성과 가능성이 얼마나 큰지 들어보자.
STM32 Nucleo board, Wizard GNSS setup
Select each step you want to change and complete it
After changing the wizard usage, add QZSS signal
[Editor's Note] Generally, when we talk about semiconductors, we tend to think of semiconductors that are familiar to the general public, such as the CPU and memory of computers. On the other hand, MCUs (Micro Controller Units), which are used as core semiconductors for operating electronic products, are semiconductors that are still unfamiliar to the general public, even though they are commonly used in all electronic products that we easily come across. These MCUs have recently been featured in the media due to the semiconductor shortage, and have begun to attract the attention of the general public. Accordingly, this magazine has prepared a place to learn about MCUs through a series of articles by Yuji Kawano, manager at STMicroelectronics, a company specializing in MCU semiconductors.
This is the next part of how to use the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) evaluation environment using the STM32 Nucleo board.
This article explains how to change the settings of Teseo-LIV3F (GNSS module) using the GUI tool (TESEO-SUITE).
There are two ways to change it: using the wizard and manually manipulating the bits. This time, I will introduce the method of using the wizard.
■ Changing TESEO-LIV3F module settings/Wizard version
○ Open the wizard Because it is a wizard format, you can complete it by selecting the desired change at each step.
Finally, you can either record it as is on the device or save it as a settings file on your PC. First, click the Configuration wizards icon.
The Wizard Selection window will open, and if a device is connected, it will be automatically selected under 'COM x Device X', so confirm.
For this example, let's change the constellation (satellite system) we're using. With Constellations selected, click Play Wizard.
Since GPS (USA) and GLONASS (Russia) are turned on by default, let's additionally turn on QZSS (Japan).
1. Select the constellation you want to activate. After checking 'QZSS', click Next.
2. Used for location acquisition
Next, check 'QZSS constellation used for fix' and click Next.
3. Confirmation screen Just click Next to proceed.
4. Final Review Review the final settings. Since we turned QZSS On this time, the bit for that item is set to 1 (=ON). If there are no problems, click OK.
5. Send settings to device
If you want to reflect the changes to the device, click Send my configuration to the device to save them to the Flash memory in the module.
You can also click Export my configuration into a patch file to save the above settings as an xml file on your PC.
Reading can be done from the first 「Wizard Selection」→「My configuration」 tab.
The setup using the wizard is now complete. Now, let's check it out.
■ Confirm Here is an example of receiving satellite signals before changing the settings. With the default settings, you can observe GPS and GLONASS signals.
After making the changes using the wizard above, the QZSS signal was added.
Also, please refer to the manual setup method in the next section.