▲ROHM 2022 Business Performance
Increase in sales of automobiles and industrial equipment, increase in overseas sales in Europe and the US
Total investment of 510 billion yen in SiC business, production capacity expected to increase 35 times
ROHM's 2022 business results have renewed the highest sales for the second consecutive year, with increased sales in the automotive and industrial equipment sectors.
ROHM announced its 2022 business results on the 10th. According to the results, sales increased 12.3% year-on-year to 507.8 billion yen, and operating profit increased 29.2% year-on-year to 92.3 billion yen.
It was analyzed that this performance was due to a significant increase in sales of the main fields of automobiles and industrial equipment.
By nationality, overseas sales increased in Europe and the United States, increasing the overseas sales ratio to 43%.
By product group, LSI increased by 14.6% and semiconductor devices increased by 12.8%. The profit margin drove growth, with LSI exceeding 20%.
Sales forecast for 2023 are expected to reach 540 billion yen, up 6.3% year-on-year thanks to the growth of the automobile market.
Facility investment in 2022 reached a record high of 126.1 billion yen, and in 2023, we plan to invest 160 billion yen by continuing to make active investments for mid- to long-term growth.
In addition, for the main business of SiC, the sales target for 2025 was revised from 110 billion yen to 130 billion yen, and the target for 2027 was set at 270 billion yen.
SiC plans to continue to make active investments for mid- to long-term growth, with a cumulative investment of 510 billion yen.
Accordingly, production capacity in 2030 is expected to be 35 times that of 2021.

▲ROHM SiC business goals