지능형 전력 및 센싱 기술의 선도 기업인 온세미가 새로운 실리콘카바이드(SiC)를 이용한 DC 초고속 전기차 충전기 솔루션을 선보이며, 기존 IGBT 솔루션 대비 크기는 최대 40% 작고, 무게를 최대 52% 줄이면서도 고속 충전을 실현했다.
New EliteSiC PIM, bidirectional charging, smaller and lighter, fast charging
Up to 40% smaller and 52% lighter than existing IGBT solutions
ON Semiconductor, a leader in intelligent power and sensing technologies, has introduced a new silicon carbide (SiC) DC ultra-fast electric vehicle charger solution that is up to 40% smaller and up to 52% lighter than conventional IGBT solutions while still enabling fast charging.
ON Semiconductor today announced the launch of nine new Elite Silicon Carbide (EliteSiC) Power Integrated Modules (PIMs).
It supports ultra-fast DC chargers for electric vehicles and bidirectional charging for energy storage systems (ESS).
SiC-based solutions dramatically improve system costs through higher efficiency and simpler cooling mechanisms, while reducing size by up to 40% and weight by up to 52% compared to conventional silicon-based IGBT solutions.
With this platform, designers will have all the key components needed to rapidly deploy a network of reliable, efficient, and scalable ultra-fast DC chargers capable of charging electric vehicle batteries up to 80 percent in just 15 minutes.
JD Power (JD According to J.D. Power's 2023 Electric Vehicle Considerations Survey, nearly half of U.S. consumers cite access to charging facilities and fast charging speeds as reasons for not purchasing an electric vehicle.
This is about whether you can enjoy an easy and smooth driving experience like a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle. In the United States, the availability of electric vehicle chargers needs to increase more than fourfold by 2025 and more than eightfold by 2030 to keep up with demand and ensure drivers have equal access to public charging stations.
As a result, this rapid increase in electricity demand could put enormous strain on today's power grid, potentially causing it to become overloaded.
To alleviate this problem, bidirectional charging has emerged as a key solution for implementing vehicle-to-grid (V2G), which enables both regular battery charging and the ability to use electric vehicles as energy storage systems to power homes when needed.
The solution addresses accessibility and speed issues by enabling ultra-fast DC charging networks and V2G power transfer systems, making frequent vehicle charging much faster than other methods that can take hours or days.
Onsemi offers the most comprehensive PIM portfolio that can configure major topologies in the market.
This provides designers with flexibility in selecting the right PIM for the power conversion stage of ultra-fast DC charging or energy storage system (ESS) applications.
To accelerate design cycles, ON Semi also provides designers with advanced piecewise linear electrical circuit simulation (PLECS) models via its self-service PLECS model generator and application simulation using the portfolio’s elite power simulators.
For each module, ON Semi uses die from the same wafer to ensure more consistent reliability, allowing designers to avoid the performance variability that can occur when using discrete devices from different suppliers within the same system.
These modules In addition to reliability, the portfolio uses third-generation M3S SiC MOSFET technology, which delivers the industry's lowest switching losses and highest efficiency.
It also supports major topologies such as multi-level T-type neutral point clamp (TNPC), half-bridge, and full-bridge topologies, and supports scalable output power from 25 kW to 100 kW, supporting multiple ultra-fast DC charging and energy storage system (ESS) platforms including bidirectional charging.
Additionally, industry standard F1 and F2 packages with applied TIM (Thermal Interface Material) and press-fit options provide optimal thermal management to prevent system failure due to overheating.
In addition, it provides energy savings by minimizing power loss, and the module is made entirely of SiC, which is directly related to cost and energy savings, and increases robustness and reliability to ensure consistent operation.