인피니언 테크놀로지스(이하 인피니언)가 첨단 배터리 관리, 빌딩 자동화 시스템 등 다양한 애플리케이션에 적합하며 전자 및 전기기계 시스템의 효율을 더욱 높일 수 있는 새로운 제품군을 시장에 내놓는다.
Coreless transformer technology applied… High energy transmission support, reliability ↑, ownership cost ↓
Custom solid state relays capable of controlling loads of 1000V·100A or more are available Infineon Technologies AG (hereafter Infineon) is launching a new product family that is suitable for a wide range of applications, including advanced battery management and building automation systems, and that can further increase the efficiency of electronic and electromechanical systems.
Infineon announced on the 19th that it is launching a new family of solid-state isolators.
This product family achieves faster and more reliable circuit switching by utilizing protection features not available in optical-based solid-state relays (SSRs).
It uses coreless transformer technology and supports 20 times higher energy transmission with current and temperature protection functions, increasing reliability and lowering the cost of ownership.
The new solid-state isolators drive the gates of Infineon’s MOS-controlled power transistors, OptiMOS™ and CoolMOS™, reducing power losses by up to 70 percent compared to solid-state relays using SCR (silicon-controlled rectifier) or Triac switches.
Infineon's solid-state isolators are tailored solid-state relays capable of controlling loads above 1000 V and 100 A.makes it possible.
Coreless transformer technology is ideal for advanced battery management, energy storage, renewable energy systems, industrial and building automation applications due to its improved performance and reliability.
“The implementation of coreless transformers in solid-state isolators and relays is a major step forward for power engineers,” said Davide Giacomini, Marketing Director for the Industrial Power business line of Infineon Technologies AG. “This technology offers 50 times lower R DS(on) compared to conventional optical control solutions, opening up the possibility of using it in high-voltage and high-power applications.”
The isolator driver, when combined with Infineon's CoolMOS S7 switches, enables switching designs with significantly lower resistance compared to optically driven solid-state solutions.
This extends the life of the system design and lowers the cost of ownership.
Also, like all solid-state isolators, it offers superior performance over electromagnetic relays, including 40% lower turn-on power and improved reliability due to the elimination of moving parts.
The family is designed to be compatible with Infineon's comprehensive switching portfolio including CoolMOS S7, OptiMOS™ and linear FET products, more information can be found on the Infineon website.