정부가 반도체 공정용 희귀가스인 네온(Ne)을 2028년 완전 자립화를 목표로 재활용 기술개발 및 생산시설 확충을 적극 지원하는 등 공급망 자립화 및 다변화에 속도를 낸다.
Additional support for Ne recycling technology development until 2026
Kr·Xe manufacturing technology development verification stage, facility expansion
The government is actively supporting the development of recycling technology and expansion of production facilities to accelerate the independence and diversification of the supply chain, with the goal of achieving complete self-sufficiency in neon (Ne), a rare gas used in semiconductor processes, by 2028.
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (Minister Ahn Deok-geun) held an implementation meeting for the '8 Major Industrial Supply Chain Leading Project' on the 25th, chaired by Minister Ahn Deok-geun, and announced this.
Neon supports the expansion of recycling and production technologies with the goal of achieving full self-sufficiency by 2028.
Neon is a domestic company that has developed manufacturing technology through government R&D in 2022 and is currently producing about 30% of domestic demand.
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy will additionally support the development of neon recycling technology for semiconductor processes until 2026.
In addition, we plan to actively support a neon circulation system that captures approximately 80-90% of the neon gas used in the process through demonstration and mass production tests with demand companies, purifies the captured gas, and then reintroduces it into the production process.
Krypton (Kr) and xenon (Xe) are in the verification stage with manufacturing technology being developed through government R&D in 2023.
Also, crude gas raw materials for semiconductors such as krypton and xetone) In addition to the steel mill air separation unit (ASU), the extraction facility will be expanded to include power plant ASUs after examining economic feasibility and safety.
We are also spurring self-sufficiency in anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, a semiconductor material.
Anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, the raw material for hydrogen fluoride, completed verification on Mexican products in 2022 and is expanding alternative imports (USD 140,000 in 2022 → USD 1.75 million in 2023).
In addition, fluorite, the raw material for anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, will be available for duty-free import in 2024 with a new quota tariff along with a three-month public stockpile.
In addition, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy plans to review measures to promote domestic production and cooperation between supply and demand companies through the anhydrous hydrofluoric acid supply chain alliance.
Minister Ahn Deok-geun said, “As the minister and project manager, I will swiftly and strongly promote the stabilization of the supply chain for the eight projects,” adding, “The supply chain is the central nervous system of the economy. As the three supply chain laws—the Basic Supply Chain Act, the Special Act on Small and Medium Businesses, and the Special Act on Resource Security—are completed, the relevant ministries will closely cooperate to actively support self-reliance, diversification, and resource securing for each project.”