글로벌 전자산업 공급망을 대표하는 산업 협회인 SEMI의 최신 ‘반도체 장비시장통계 보고서(Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics, WWSEMS)’에 따르면, 2023년 글로벌 반도체 장비 지출액은 역대 최고치인 2022년의 1,076억달러에서 1.3% 하락한 1,063억달러로 나타났다.
▲Global semiconductor equipment spending in 2023 (unit: 1 billion dollars, %)
106.3 billion dollars, down 1.3% year-on-year, due to weak demand and memory inventory adjustment
Global semiconductor equipment spending is expected to decline in 2023 due to weak semiconductor demand and memory inventory adjustments.
According to the latest 'Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics (WWSEMS)' report from SEMI, an industry association representing the global electronics industry supply chain, global semiconductor equipment spending in 2023 is expected to drop 1.3% to $106.3 billion from the all-time high of $107.6 billion in 2022.
The largest semiconductor equipment spending countries in 2023 were China, South Korea, and Taiwan, accounting for 72% of total spending, with China accounting for the largest share.
China's semiconductor equipment investment in 2023 is expected to reach $36.6 billion, up 29% from 2022.
In South Korea, the second-largest equipment market, equipment investment in 2023 is expected to fall 7% to $19.9 billion due to weak demand and inventory adjustments in the memory market.
Taiwan, which had been growing for four consecutive years, recorded a 27% drop to $19.6 billion.
North American semiconductor equipment investment increased 15% due to the impact of the US Chips Act., Europe showed a 3% increase.
Semiconductor equipment spending in Japan and other regions decreased 5% and 29%, respectively, year-over-year.
By sector, spending on wafer equipment in 2023 grew 1%, while spending on other front-end processes grew 10%.
Packaging and assembly equipment spending, which was weak in 2022, is expected to decline 30% in 2023, while test equipment spending is also expected to decline 17%.
“Despite a slight decline in global equipment sales last year, the semiconductor industry remains strong due to strategic investments that are driving growth in key regions,” said Ajit Manocha, CEO of SEMI. “In particular, 2023 looks better than most industry players had expected.”