아이에스티이(대표이사 조창현)가 HBM(High Bandwidth Memory) 웨이퍼 이송에 필수적인 풉(FOUP)을 세정하는 400㎜ FOUP 크리너를 개발했다.

▲Photo of 400mm FOUP Cleaner for IST HBM
EFEM for PLP also developed, overseas orders delivered in the first half of the year
IST (CEO Cho Chang-hyun) announced that it has completed the development of components and equipment necessary for HBM (High Bandwidth Memory) production and will deliver them to customers in the second half of the year.
On the 30th, IST announced through a press release that it has developed a 400mm FOUP cleaner that cleans FOUPs, which are essential for wafer transport for HBM.
It was also reported that the company received an order from a domestic semiconductor company and is scheduled to deliver in the second half of this year.
Along with this, the company also completed the development of EFEM for PLP (Panel Level Package), received an order from an overseas company last year, and announced that it plans to deliver it in the first half of this year.
CEO Cho Chang-hyun said, “We will achieve globalization of FOUP Cleaner and PECVD equipment by leading the rapidly growing HBM and PLP markets through securing unique and differentiated technologies through continuous research and development.”