▲Commemorative photo of the 2nd System Semiconductor Symbiosis Forum in 2024
Entering Japan, it is essential to establish references with a long-term perspective
“Intermediary Business Partners, Each with Their Own Characteristics”
A forum has been set up to share know-how on strategies and entry methods for domestic fabless and startups to enter the Japanese market.
The 2nd System Semiconductor Symbiosis Forum of 2024 was held on the 24th at the Seoul National University Global Engineering Education Center.
This event, hosted by the Seoul National University Semiconductor Industry Promotion Center, shared insights on topics such as the current status of the Japanese semiconductor industry and actual cases of advancement.
Key sessions included presentations on △the current status of the Japanese semiconductor industry by Dr. Kim Yang-paeng of the Korea Institute for Industrial Policy Studies, △approach strategies for success in Japanese business by Kwon Jang-an, CEO of IT Works, △strategies for entering the Japanese market by Naoyuki Maekawa, head of JETRO Seoul Office, and △introduction of KOTRA Global Partnering (GP) business by Kim Ho-dae, manager of KOTRA.
The panel discussion continued with participants from all walks of life, including fabless and IT startups seeking to enter the Japanese market, including consulting on entering the Japanese market conducted by KOTRA, JETRO, and IT Works.
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▲2nd System Semiconductor Symbiosis Forum in 2024
Dr. Kim Yang-paeng said, “The revival of Japan’s semiconductor manufacturing industry could be an opportunity for domestic fabless companies,” adding, “Along with cooperation in the semiconductor supply chain, cooperation between Korea and Japan, which have a small share of the global market, could have greater synergy effects than concerns about technology leakage.”
The representative of IT Works advised that for domestic companies to enter the Japanese market, “it is possible only if there is a reference in Japan and it should be viewed from a long-term perspective,” and that efforts should be made to establish a foundation for entering the market for at least 2-3 years. It is necessary to develop a strategy by steadily building awareness through various exhibitions and approaching customers through local partners.
Director Naoyuki Maekawa also said, “We need a strategy to make business proposals to customers through business partners such as consulting firms, banks, and trading companies that act as middlemen,” and explained that first-tier suppliers, machinery and equipment manufacturers, etc. are also included as middlemen.
We need to secure these intermediaries as business partners and seek to enter the Japanese market. Each intermediary has different goals and characteristics, so we need to select the right intermediary based on which domestic companies want to provide which solutions to which companies.