DEFAULT는 한양대학교 ERICA 캠퍼스 전자공학부의 전공학회로 전자공학도의 기초와 응용 지식을 위한 스터디를 진행하고, 창의·혁신적 사고 함양을 위한 프로젝트 및 임베디드 경진대회에 참가하는 등 다양한 활동을 진행한다. 본지는 DEFAULT 임원을 맡고 있는 김주희 학생에게 DEFAULT의 활동과 목적 등에 대해 물었다.
“Learning the basic principles of electronic engineering and the latest technologies… The goal is to foster talents who will lead future technological innovations.”
Study of basic major subjects for new students, including C language and Arduino
Preparation for contests and external activities based on government subsidies… Activities such as drone and RC car production
[Editor's Note] This magazine covers university clubs related to IT and aims to cover the activities of students and the unique characteristics of the clubs. Through relay interviews, we aim to shed light on the unique characteristics of the clubs, as well as their activities and purposes. DEFAULT is a specialized society of the Department of Electronic Engineering at Hanyang University ERICA Campus. It conducts studies for the basic and applied knowledge of electronic engineering students, and participates in projects and embedded competitions to foster creative and innovative thinking, among other activities. Our magazine asked Kim Ju-hee, a student who serves as an executive of DEFAULT, about DEFAULT's activities and goals.
▲Kim Joo-hee, Hanyang University ERICA Department of Electronic Engineering, DEFAULT Executive Member of the Specialized Academic Society
■ Introduction to DEFAULT Society
DEFAULT signifies the default value and represents the starting point of all electronics.
The DEFAULT Society aims to foster talents who will lead future technological innovations by learning the basic principles and cutting-edge technologies of electronic engineering.
We conduct studies for the fundamentals and applied knowledge of electronic engineering, and emphasize the ethical use of technology and social responsibility through projects and embedded competitions to foster creative and innovative thinking, and mentoring, so that members can grow into socially responsible engineers.
■ DEFAULT Academic Society’s unique advantages
Harmony among the members of the society is a great advantage.
A good example is the high attendance rate at events such as sudden gatherings and picnics, and the gift giving through KakaoTalk during exam periods.
Another great advantage is that there are many seniors who continue to show affection and interest in the society even after graduation.
Get advice from current seniors in various positions through regular mentoring and recreation with alumni.A place is also provided.
■ DEFAULT’s activities
In the first semester, in addition to studying basic major subjects for new students such as C language and Arduino, we also conducted SSG (Self Study Group) to prepare for competitions and external activities based on the subsidy provided to the school by the government.
The society is currently manufacturing drones and RC cars at SSG.
I also have many memories from my social activities.
We also held memorable events such as DEFAULT Bingo activities called DINGO, MT, late-night food service during exam period, and April Fool's Day photo shoot.
In the second semester, we plan to prepare for the academic festival to be held in November.
To promote unity among members, we plan to hold various general meetings, including a fall MT and fellowship program.
In addition, support for the Embedded Software Competition and the Korea Intelligent Robot Competition, which are currently ongoing SSG activities, will continue.
■ Memorable academic activities
I remember the study conducted at the academic conference.
The mentors were mainly second and third year students, and the mentees were mainly first and second year students, and they periodically conducted study activities.
The mentors prepared teaching materials in PPT format, and the mentees followed the mentors' classes and studies well.
It was a proud and memorable experience to see my mentees receive excellent grades in their major courses this semester.
■ In DEFAULT If there is something you want to achieve
What I'm greedy about for DEFAULT's honor is that I want to have a dinner party with the prize money that DEFAULT received for winning first place in the 2024 academic festival.
Personally, I hope that after I graduate, when I meet my juniors in the academic society, I will hear them say that joining DEFAULT was an excellent choice.
■ A word to the members of the society
I was very nervous and excited to be assigned as an executive for a year, but it seemed like everyone was working hard in their assigned roles. I would like to thank all of our DEFAULT executives, including myself, for their hard work, and the members of the society who followed the executives well.
Just as we made good memories during the first semester, I hope we can all make good memories and achieve good results in the second semester as well.