한국전자통신연구원(ETRI)이 실시간 2D 동영상을 3D 풀컬러 홀로그램으로 변환 가능한 FPGA 기반의 디지털 홀로그래피 미디어 프로세서(RHP)를 개발하며, 향후 홀로그래피 기술의 핵심이 될 것으로 기대가 모아진다.

▲ETRI researchers demonstrating a digital holographic media processor (RHP)
HBM application, 4K resolution stereoscopic information playback within 30ms delay time
The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) has developed the world's first digital holography processor that can convert general 2D videos into real-time 3D holograms, and expectations are high that it will become the core of future holography technology.
ETRI announced on the 21st that it has developed an FPGA-based digital holography media processor (RHP) capable of converting real-time 2D video into 3D full-color holograms.
This processor uses high-bandwidth memory (HBM) to reproduce 4K resolution stereoscopic information within a delay time of 30ms and boasts a processing speed of up to 30FPS.
This research result provides an operating speed and performance dozens of times faster than existing software methods, and even implements low power consumption.
The research team created a sensation by demonstrating real-time conversion of various computer screen images, such as YouTube, Netflix, and video calls, into 3D holograms.
Won-ok Kwon, a senior researcher at ETRI's Digital Holography Lab, said, "In the future, we will apply holographic image quality improvement technology to hardware to develop a media processor chip (ASIC) for general-purpose holographic displays. “That is the goal,” he said.
In addition, Hong Ki-hoon, head of ETRI's Digital Holography Lab, said, "We expect great progress in the practical application of holography technology as it will be possible to create real-time holograms with low power and a small form factor."
This achievement was carried out with the support of the 'Holo-TV Core Technology Development Project for Holographic Image Service' of the Ministry of Science and ICT and the National IT Industry Promotion Agency. The research team expects that through technology transfer, it will be utilized in various fields such as holographic vehicle head-up displays (HUDs) and holographic virtual reality/mixed reality (VR/MR) devices.