과학기술정보통신부와 한국인터넷진흥원(KISA)은 정부·공공 기관 및 민간 기업의 제로트러스트 新보안체계 도입을 총 2개 분야 (정부·공공 및 민간분야) 4개 과제(정부·공공 1개, 민간 3개) 규모로 본격 지원한다고 8일 밝혔다.
A total of 5.5 billion won, including consulting on public and private enterprise security systems
Integrated briefing session held on the 16th… Business operator selection by May
The government is pushing to expand the introduction of a zero-trust security system this year.
The Ministry of Science and ICT and the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) announced on the 8th that they will fully support the introduction of a new zero-trust security system by the government, public institutions, and private companies in a total of 4 tasks (1 government/public, 3 private) in 2 fields (government/public and private sector).
On Tuesday the 16th, a Zero Trust business briefing session will be held to explain detailed plans to government, public, and corporate officials who wish to participate in the ‘Zero Trust Introduction and Expansion Support Project’ and the ‘Zero Trust Introduction and Conversion Consulting’ projects.
This year's project will evaluate the specificity of the zero-trust implementation plan of the zero-trust security model supplier and the zero-trust operation management personnel and annual budget investment plan of the demand company, and support the demand organization to fully introduce and operate the zero-trust security system.
To this end, the Ministry of Science and ICT, the National Intelligence Service, and the Digital Platform Government Committee will promote the introduction and expansion of a zero-trust security system in government and public institutions, and based on the results of the project, they plan to further advance the security system in the government and public sectors.
In particular, 'Zero Trust Introduction &', which is supported for the first time this yearmiddot; Through 'transition consulting', we provide zero-trust consulting to companies that have the ability to invest but are having difficulty establishing introduction plans, and companies that need to establish mid- to long-term zero-trust strategies.
The Ministry of Science and ICT’s Information Protection Network Policy Officer, Jeong Chang-rim, said, “In order to respond to cyber threats that are becoming increasingly intelligent and advanced, we need to actively expand the zero-trust security system,” and “The government will actively expand the zero-trust new security system and raise the level of cybersecurity so that the people can go about their daily lives with peace of mind.”