인천테크노파크(인천TP)와 정보통신산업진흥원(NIPA), 인천경제자유구역청(IFEZ), 한국지능형사물인터넷협회(KIoT)가 지난 12알 송도국제도시 인천스타트업파크 커넥트홀에서 ‘AIoT 사업 추진 전략 및 IoT 테스트필드 실증사례 세미나’를 개최했다.
NIPA·IFEZ·KIoT jointly held, sharing excellent demonstration cases
Incheon Technopark (IncheonTP), National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA), Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority (IFEZ), and Korea Internet of Things Association (KIoT) held the 'AIoT Business Promotion Strategy and IoT Test Field Proof-of-Sale Seminar' at the Connect Hall of Incheon Startup Park in Songdo International City on December 12.
This seminar was held in relation to the 'IoT Test Field Creation Project' that Incheon TP has been promoting since 2020, to introduce the IoT test field demonstration infrastructure and demonstration support project, share demonstration excellence, and provide a venue for technology exchange between AIoT companies.
The seminar introduced AIoT business promotion strategies such as ‘Edge Computing Environment-based Service Activation Strategy’ and ‘Innovative Case Study on Building AI-based Healthcare Big Data Platform’, as well as IoT test field construction and verification best practices such as Incheon Port Authority’s ‘AIoT-based Port Disaster Safety Integrated Management System’, UOK Co., Ltd.’s ‘Incheon International Airport Management Road Facility DB Construction’, and COAATIZ Co., Ltd.’s ‘Real-time Compression Transmission and Power Supply of CCTV Camera Footage’.
Incheon TP has led the early commercialization of IoT products and services and reduced development costs for 12 companies this year through the establishment of IoT test fields and support for verification.
Incheon TP project officials announced that they plan to support 14 companies by establishing one IoT test field in the Incheon Free Economic Zone and providing IoT test field verification support in 2024.