지능형 센서 및 이미터 분야의 세계적인 선도기업인 ams OSRAM(한국 대표 강석원)은 SYNIOS® P 2222 LED를 새롭게 출시함으로써 높은 신뢰성, 낮은 열 저항 및 뛰어난 밝기를 자랑하는 자사의 SYNIOS® 제품군을 확장한다.
Launch of new standard platform 'SYNIOS® P 2222' LED
ams OSRAM, a global leader in intelligent sensors and emitters, today announced the expansion of its SYNIOS® family of products that combine high reliability, low thermal resistance and high brightness with the introduction of the SYNIOS® P 2222 LED.
This enables ams OSRAM to offer a much wider range of options for more innovative automotive lighting solutions.
SYNIOS® P 2222 is a new standard platform for automotive signal components in the low- to medium-power range and perfectly complements ams OSRAM’s existing SYNIOS® P 2720 LED for the medium- to high-power range. Samples of the mid-wattage (0.5 W) SYNIOS® P 2222 LED are already available, with lower-power versions following in the near future.
Due to the compact footprint and low height of the QFN housing, the SYNIOS® P 2222 requires significantly less installation space than conventional PLCC (Plastic-Leaded Chip Carrier) components, providing cost savings and increased flexibility. Additionally, the reduced installation space allows for higher component density, increasing design freedom without compromising performance.
The platform approach of the SYNIOS P 2222, including the upcoming low-power version, focuses on simplifying redesign, allowing existing designs to be modified without issue. Components with different power ratings can be swapped without changing the housing size, allowing brighter or dimmer LEDs to be used on the same board layout.
All relevant saturation and color conversion required for signal applications are now available in each package.
This advanced platform approach of SYNIOS® P 2222 significantly improves usability for design engineers. The new product family is rugged, reliable and cost-effective, making it ideal for standard RCL (Rear Combination Lamps) as well as cutting-edge body lighting applications.