과학기술정보통신부 산하 한국기계연구원(원장 류석현) 나노리소그래피연구센터 정준호 책임연구원 연구팀과 ㈜메타투피플(대표 안준원)은 주변 조명과 영상의 정보에 따라 투명도를 자유자재로 조절할 수 있는 100인치 대형 나노 투명 스크린 상용화에 성공했다.

▲Junho Jeong, a senior researcher at the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, explains the nano-transparent screen.
10% price reduction compared to transparent OLED
Clear image implementation without resolution loss
The world's first ultra-large nano-transparent screen measuring over 100 inches that can freely adjust transparency depending on the surrounding environment and can be mass-produced at low cost has been developed and commercialized. It appears that the popularization of large transparent screens, which were difficult to utilize due to their high cost, will accelerate.
The research team of Senior Researcher Jeong Jun-ho of the Nanolithography Research Center at the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (President Ryu Seok-hyun) under the Ministry of Science and ICT and Metatupeople Co., Ltd. (CEO Ahn Jun-won) succeeded in commercializing a 100-inch large nano transparent screen that can freely adjust transparency according to ambient light and image information.
The nano transparent screen was installed in the outdoor space of the Youth Mall in Chungju last June, and is scheduled to be unveiled at the 'Nano Korea 2024' nanotechnology exhibition, the largest exhibition in Korea, held at KINTEX in Ilsan from July 3 to 5.
The nano transparent screen developed by the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials is composed of a film made as thin as a strand of hair by evenly dispersing titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles with a diameter of 100 nanometers inside the film.
When a beam projector shines light on a nano transparent screen, the viewing angle is very wide at 170 degrees, and you can see clear images and the scenery beyond the transparent screen at the same time, so you can watch the images from any angle.
In addition, the nano-transparent screen developed by the research team can be overlapped with a PDLC (Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal) film, and when the brightness of the surrounding light or detailed image implementation is required, the transparency of the PDLC can be lowered to implement clearer images.
In the case of the existing 100-inch transparent OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode), the high cost of over 100 million won made it difficult for general consumers to use, and the low resolution of transparent LED (Light-Emitting Diode) made it difficult to popularize.
Nano transparent screens can be mass-produced through a continuous roll process, so they can be supplied to the market at a much lower price, at around 10% of the price of transparent OLEDs. Even when using the highest resolution projector, you can achieve clear images without any loss of resolution.
In addition, since the characteristics of light hardly change in high and low temperature environments, it is possible to produce a large transparent screen of 100 inches or more in the form of a light and flexible film. It is not affected by adverse weather conditions such as extreme cold and heat waves, so it is very suitable for installation both indoors and outdoors.
Jeong Jun-ho, a senior researcher at the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, said, “Nano-transparent screen technology is a cutting-edge innovative technology created by combining nanomaterials and nano-manufacturing technology with existing IT technology.” He added, “We will continue to conduct research and development to improve the quality of nano-transparent screens in the future and strive to lead the popularization of transparent screens.”
Ryu Seok-hyun, the president of KIMM, said, “This research result is very significant in that it was commercialized jointly with a research institute company established by KIMM through investment of original patented technology,” and added, “We will continue to do our best to develop technology that can greatly contribute to the development of national strategic technologies and revitalization of the regional economy.”