과학기술정보통신부 산하 정부출연연구기관인 한국재료연구원(KIMS, 원장 이정환)이 직원들이 정성껏 모금한 성금을 지역 소외계층 4곳에 설 명절 지원금으로 전달하며, 나눔으로 실천하는 사회 만들기에 앞장섰다.
Donation to help the underprivileged during the Lunar New Year holiday
The Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS, President Lee Jeong-hwan), a government-funded research institute under the Ministry of Science and ICT, has taken the lead in creating a society that practices sharing.
On the 5th, Materials Association delivered the money collected with sincerity by its employees to four local underprivileged communities as Lunar New Year holiday support funds.
The institutions that received the donation are ‘Dodam Dodam’, a day care facility for the physically disabled, ‘Jinhae Hope House’, a child care facility, ‘Changwon Women’s House’, a facility for protecting women who are victims of domestic violence, and ‘Gimhae Veterans Nursing Home’, a nursing facility for those with national merit.
The Material Foundation has been continuously visiting local social welfare facilities every year to donate money raised by individual employees.
Last year, a total of 25.5 million won was donated for the Lunar New Year and Chuseok holidays, earthquake damage in Turkey, flood damage, and to comfort soldiers.
In addition, the Love Sharing Association donated 12 million won to the Korean Red Cross and the Senior Citizens Support Volunteer Association donated 3.8 million won to the Gyeongnam Community Chest of Korea, delivering a total of 41.3 million won to the local community over the past year.
Director Lee Jeong-hwan of Materials Research Institute said, “All employees are working hard to collect valuable donations and deliver their hearts to help needy neighbors in the region spend a warm holiday season.” He added, “I would like to express my gratitude to all employees who have donated their hearts, and I would also like to express my gratitude to all employees who have donated their hearts and hope that this will be the foundation for our efforts.”“I sincerely hope that our society will advance one step further into a society that practices sharing,” he said.