한국트럼프(주)가 14일 ‘트럼프(TRUMPF) 그룹’ 100주년을 맞이해 상암 스탠포드 호텔에서 고객사를 초청해 ‘패밀리데이 2023’ 행사를 개최했다. 한국트럼프 최선남 대표이사의 환영사를 시작으로, 지난 BlechExpo 2023에서 발표한 신제품을 소개하고, 차세대 제조업 전망을 주제로 한 강연 및 100주년 기념 세레모니 등 프로그램을 제공했다.
▲Korea Trump CEO Choi Seon-nam
100th Anniversary Family Day Held in Sangam on the 14th
Trump Group Achieves 7.6 Trillion Won in Sales… Up 27% YoY
Presenting 'Oseon', a solution to streamline the production process
Korea Trump commemorates 100th anniversary and presents sustainable future solutions for manufacturing.
On the 14th, Trumpf Korea Inc. invited its customers to the Stanford Hotel in Sangam to hold the 'Family Day 2023' event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 'Trumpf Group'. Starting with a welcoming speech by CEO Choi Seon-nam of Trumpf Korea, the event introduced new products announced at the previous BlechExpo 2023, and provided programs such as a lecture on the outlook for the next-generation manufacturing industry and a 100th anniversary ceremony.
Trump Group is a market and technology leader in machine tools and lasers for industrial production with 17,900 employees in 80 branches worldwide. Its representative products include: △machine tools for sheet metal processing, △lasers for material processing, △electronics for semiconductor and FPD processing, and △EUV. In particular, ASML, which recently promised to establish a 1 trillion won R&D center with Samsung Electronics, is known to be the company that developed the CO2 laser equipment used in EUV.
The Trump Group celebrated its 100th anniversary this year and achieved the highest sales ever, reaching KRW 7.6 trillion (EUR 5.4 billion) in fiscal year FY22/23, a 27% increase over the previous year. In particular, the Korean market has grown to become the number one market in Asia in terms of orders, achieving KRW 1.6 trillion in sales last year.
Kim Dong-woo, head of the Trump Machine Tool Division of Korea, said, “Trump has shown a 12% growth rate every year,” and “Trump has been continuously investing 10% of its sales in new technology R&D regardless of economic conditions, and has achieved technological innovation. We will achieve sustainable growth together with our customers for the next 100 years.”
Korea Trumpf offers a lineup of products ranging from basic products such as cutters, benders, pipe processing machines, and compound machines to the cost-effective 1000 series, the productivity-oriented 3000 series, the high-performance 5000 series, and the top-performing 7000 series.
Recently, KoreaTrump has been improving manufacturing efficiency by incorporating eco-friendly bending machines, laser equipment, 3D printing, and AI technology. Based on these technologies, we are challenging the automobile, bicycle, and aerospace industries.
■ ' BlechExpo 2023' unveils a large number of new products Trump Korea presented a sustainable, integrated solution to minimize non-productive time and address labor shortages faced by the sheet metal fabrication industry amid the global economic downturn.
KoreaTrump introduced new products from the Trump Group, which were first unveiled at the 'BlechExpo 2023' held in Stuttgart, Germany last November. The 'FlexLine' function flexibly responds to various types of sheet metal and surface treatment conditions to optimize cutting quality. When cutting sheet metal, stable, high-quality cutting is possible without separate laser condition adjustment regardless of the steel plate grade, and the defect rate can be reduced.
In addition, the 24kW laser output, which was previously only available for the high-performance 'TruLaser 5000' series, is now available for the productivity-focused TruLaser 3000 series, enabling cutting of up to 60mm mild steel and stainless steel plates, and a 20% increase in cutting speed per kW. Productivity at 24kW has been improved by 80%, and cutting speed has been improved by up to 250% for nitrogen cutting and up to 300% for oxygen cutting compared to the previous 12kW.
In addition to the cutter, the TruMatic 5000 multifunction printer with SheetMaster provides maximum productivity and 24-hour fully automated unmanned production through 6kW laser output. This product helps reduce carbon emissions by saving up to 65% of energy compared to existing products. The device has been on sale since last month, and the Seatmaster is scheduled to be released in October next year.
The new product 'Flex Cell' mounted on Trump's 'TruBend 7050' bending machine can be installed in a space of less than 3 pyeong including the bending machine, and provides flexibility as complex work can be done manually and simple work can be bent automatically. With a maximum loading capacity of 1,200 kg, continuous production is possible for up to 30 hours for simple bending of 1 mm thick mild steel, A5 (210 mm * 150 mm) size.
■ Cloud-based 'Oseon' simplifies manufacturing processes Trump Korea is focusing on software as well as hardware. Trump Korea's 'Oseon' is a cloud-based digital solution that supports efficient and streamlined production process operation with one monitor and minimal manpower.
Oseon consists of a production management app, a manufacturing app, a logistics management app, and an analysis app. Through the production management app, business managers can schedule and manage all tasks with a single click. In addition, it is easy to set the workload considering the production capacity and respond to unexpected situations such as emergency orders that inevitably occur by reflecting the real-time status.
“Oseon acts as a bridge between the ERP system and the field,” said Hong Beom-ju, manager of the technical sales team at Trumpf Machine Tool Business Unit in Korea. “With this solution, productivity can be improved by up to 20%.”