다쏘시스템이 CES2024에서 AI 기반 인체 버추얼 트윈 혁신을 선보인다. 다쏘시스템은 “수십 년 간 진행해온 인체와 AI에 대한 심도 깊은 연구를 통해 정밀 의료의 새로운 표준을 제시하고 의학 연구와 임상 실험의 효율성을 가속화하고, 모든 개인에게 맞춤화된 개인 맞춤형 의료의 새로운 시대를 열어가겠다”고 밝혔다.
AI Medical Virtual Twin Experience Opportunity
Confirming the impact of precision medicine using virtual human bodies
Dassault Systèmes to present AI-based human virtual twin innovation at CES 2024.
Dassault Systèmes announced that it will present its AI human virtual twin solution at 'CES 2024', the world's largest consumer electronics and IT exhibition, held in Las Vegas, USA from January 9 to 12, 2024. The main booth will be set up in the Digital Health & Wellness Hall in the North Hall of the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Dassault Systèmes said, “Based on decades of in-depth research on the human body and AI, we will present a new standard for precision medicine, accelerate the efficiency of medical research and clinical trials, and open a new era of personalized medicine tailored to every individual.”
The exhibition will provide an opportunity for visitors to experience and interact with the latest technologies in virtual human twin innovation and to experience the future of medical innovation. Visitors can explore the heart, brain, lungs, intestines, eyes and more in a virtual world where technology and medicine converge, and see how a personalized virtual twin can suggest things like how to eat and exercise.
There will also be demos of Living Heart and Living Brain, Medidata’s clinical trial virtualization solution, and the future of personalized nutrition in the consumer goods and retail industries.
Visitors will be able to see how virtual twins are changing healthcare today and revolutionizing the future of life sciences. By experiencing a virtual human body, visitors will be able to see the impact of virtual twins across cardiology, neurology, oncology, virology, and ophthalmology, from replacing traditional animal testing to bringing precision medicine to clinical practice.
The booth will also highlight how virtual twins can replace humans in clinical trials, the ENRICHMENT project in collaboration with the FDA to set a new standard for clinical research, and a case study of a virtual twin of a marathon runner and a personalized diet using an individual’s microbiome to demonstrate how virtual human twins can extend life expectancy.
Eureka Park, CES' startup exhibit hall, will feature a booth for Dassault Systèmes' open innovation lab and startup accelerator, 3DEXPERIENCE Lab. At the booth, you can see the future realized as virtual twins, such as △virtual guide dogs, △assistive driving technology for the visually impaired, △sustainable innovation technology to eliminate food waste, and △AI-based neurological diagnosis, through promising female-led startups such as Dotlumen, Flexpenser, and Brainsight.AI.
Through the 3DEXPERIENCE Works for Startups program, a social robot from Swedish startup Furhat Robotics, which uses SolidWorks, will help manage the 3DEXPERIENCE Lab booth to enhance the visitor experience.