UNIST(총장 이용훈)는 현대자동차(대표이사 이동석)와 울산시 남구 두왕동 UNIST 산학융합캠퍼스 내 3D프린팅 융합기술센터에서 ‘3D프린팅 공동 연구개발실 운영을 위한 상호 협력 약정’을 체결했다.
Mutual cooperation agreement for operating a joint 3D printing research and development lab
UNIST (President Yong-Hoon Lee) and Hyundai Motor Company (CEO Dong-Seok Lee) will work together to develop 3D printing technology for next-generation mobility.
On the 5th, UNIST and Hyundai Motor Company signed a 'Mutual Cooperation Agreement for the Operation of a Joint 3D Printing Research and Development Lab' at the 3D Printing Convergence Technology Center in the UNIST Industry-Academia Convergence Campus in Duwang-dong, Nam-gu, Ulsan.
According to this agreement, UNIST 3D Printing Convergence Technology Center and Hyundai Motor Company Manufacturing Solutions Headquarters will establish and operate a joint R&D laboratory within the 3D Printing Convergence Technology Center.
The two organizations will work together to develop mass production processes for introducing 3D printing-based automobile parts. They also plan to pursue the development of 3D printing technology that can be applied to next-generation mobility such as urban air mobility (UAM) and robot taxis.
The 3D Printing Convergence Technology Center (Director Professor Nam-Hoon Kim) has previously signed business agreements with HD Hyundai, Singapore Nanyang Technological University National 3D Printing Center (SC3DP), Yangsan Pusan National University Hospital, etc., and is working to expand 3D printing technology in all directions.
President Lee Yong-hoon said, “We will work with Hyundai Motor Company to develop next-generation 3D printing mobility technology that can lead the global market.”