산업용 소프트웨어 분야의 글로벌 선도기업인 아스펜테크(한국 지사 대표 김흥식)가 고객이 탄소포집 밸류체인 투자를 최적화 하는데 본격 나선다.
Joint development with Aramco, optimizing the entire sustainability pathway
AspenTech (Korea Branch Representative Kim Heung-sik), a global leader in industrial software, is stepping into the role of helping customers optimize their carbon capture value chain investments.
On the 21st, AspenTech announced ‘AspenTech Strategic Planning for Sustainability Pathways™’.
It is a new, unique integrated modeling and optimization solution that guides corporate carbon capture and storage decision-making and sustainability strategy investments.
AspenTech's strategic planning solution was developed under a licensing agreement with Aramco, one of the world's leading integrated energy and chemicals companies.
Building on this successful effort, AspenTech also announced the launch of an expanded co-innovation program that will bring together leading owner-operators and EPC contractors to co-innovate a broader portfolio of strategic planning solutions to optimize across multiple sustainability pathways.
As companies make significant investments in technologies that mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, AspenTech’s strategic planning solutions aim to create value and impact sustainability goals through these large capital investments. It is also expected to support long-term operational performance goals.
“Asset-intensive industries play a critical role in the global journey to net-zero, and carbon capture is a critical pathway for AspenTech customers and requires significant capital investment,” said Rasha Hasaneen, Chief Product and Sustainability Officer at AspenTech. “Helping them optimize CAPEX and OPEX investments across the entire carbon capture value chain is the focus of our new strategic planning solution.”
“Carbon capture is just one pathway to sustainability. With significant investment expected in this area, our expanded co-innovation program will continue to extend solutions to other pathways to help asset-intensive industries achieve both sustainability and operational performance goals simultaneously,” said Dr. Vikas Dhole, General Manager, Sustainability Solutions, AspenTech.
More information about AspenTech’s solutions and co-innovation programs can be found on the AspenTech Sustainability page.