자동차 차체 생산라인에 3D 스캐너 기반 자동화 품질검사 시스템은이 도입될 경우, 52초 사이클 타임에서도 실시간 불량 검출이 가능해 기존 샘플링 방식의 한계를 극복하고 즉각적인 품질 개선을 실현할수 있을것으로 보여진다.
“Manufacturing innovation led by AI and 3D scanning, new horizon for automotive welding quality control”
[Editor's Note] The automotive manufacturing industry is currently changing rapidly. As the utilization of various materials and the complexity of the manufacturing process increase, not only existing welding methods but also mechanical fastening and bonding technologies are being further developed. In this trend, welding quality inspection is also undergoing innovative changes by introducing automation and AI-based systems. At the Creaform Connect Korea 2025 seminar to be held on February 20, Professor Park Young-do of Dong-eui University will present these latest technology trends under the topic of "[Metalworking QC] Latest welding and fastening technologies and quality inspection trends applied to the automotive manufacturing process."

▲Professor Park Young-do of Dong-eui University
Perfect quality achieved by 20 micrometer-level ultra-precision scanning "As manufacturing processes evolve from conventional fusion welding to mechanical fastening and adhesive bonding, innovation in quality control has become essential." As Professor Park Young-do explains, the automobile manufacturing industry is currently facing a wave of great change. The 3D scanning technology currently being used by Professor Park Young-do's team can capture even the minute indentations of welds with an amazing resolution of 20 micrometers. This is a level of precision that is nearly impossible to distinguish with the naked eye.
The massive collected point cloud data is converted into STL data through an advanced machine learning algorithm and analyzed in real time. In particular, the AI's performance of identifying specific defects such as spatter defects or segregation defects with an accuracy of over 99% has completely surpassed the limitations of human inspectors. "Through continuous data updates and learning, AI is evolving further, and this is becoming a new standard for quality control. In particular, it has become possible to present objective and consistent quality standards, breaking away from the existing method of relying on the experience and intuition of inspectors."
Real-time smart quality control that achieves 52-second cycle time Body assembly is the most important process among the 25 hours required to produce a single car. Especially in modern production lines that operate with a cycle time of 52 seconds, conventional sampling inspection has serious limitations. “If a quality problem is discovered a month later, the damage increases exponentially. The impact is beyond imagination when considering not only the cost of correction, but also the quality problems of products that have already been shipped.” However, the combination of 3D scanning and AI fundamentally solves this problem. Real-time quality monitoring has become possible from the PICA (Prototype Inspection and Check Analysis) and TICA (Test Inspection and Check Analysis) stages, and discovered defects are immediately corrected in the next process. This is an innovative solution that simultaneously improves productivity and quality. In particular, it has become possible to fundamentally block defective products from moving to subsequent processes. This is also the reason why global OEMs such as Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, and Hyundai-Kia Motors are competing to introduce this 3D scanning-based inspection technology. "Now, this technology has gone beyond a simple quality control tool and has become a key indicator that proves the brand's technological prowess. Especially in body quality, which is directly related to consumer safety, the introduction of this advanced inspection system is greatly contributing to enhancing brand value."
Digital Twin and Smart Manufacturing Opening the Future “3D scanning data and AI analysis results are reflected in the digital twin in real time, optimizing the entire production process in a virtual manufacturing environment. This is a key technology that realizes a true smart factory that goes beyond simple monitoring to enable prediction and prevention,” explains Professor Park Young-do. What is particularly noteworthy is that this technology is expanding beyond the automobile industry to the ultrasonic welding quality inspection of secondary battery production. “Battery cell welding is a very demanding process that requires precision in the micrometer unit. Since it is directly related to the safety of electric vehicle batteries, near-perfect quality control is essential.

Our technology has made this ultra-precision quality control possible, and it will become a key competitive edge in the electric vehicle era." At this point in time when digital transformation is accelerating, the combination of 3D scanning and AI is no longer an option but a necessity. In particular, this system, which enables real-time analysis and feedback of production data, is leading the digitalization of manufacturing. Perfect quality assurance, increased productivity, and evolution into a smart factory. Perhaps a new renaissance in automobile manufacturing is beginning.
A new standard for global manufacturing The innovative technologies based on 3D scanning and AI machine learning, which are now being applied in earnest in the automobile industry, are now becoming a new axis of manufacturing quality improvement inspection in manufacturing around the world. “We are now in the midst of the most innovative change in manufacturing. The combination of AI and 3D scanning is going beyond simple quality control and redefining the future of manufacturing.” This technology is playing a key role, especially in a situation where the transition from traditional manufacturing to smart manufacturing is accelerating. All of the core elements of smart factories, such as real-time quality control, predictive maintenance, and process optimization through digital twins, are being implemented based on this technology. Regarding these technological innovations to be unveiled at Creaform Connect Korea 2025, Professor Youngdo Park emphasized, “Manufacturing is now evolving from simple production to intelligent production, and these cutting-edge technologies will play a key role at the center of the evolution of domestic manufacturing.”