㈜해양드론기술은 2021년 국내 첫 화물배송용 드론 서비스를 출시하고, 드론 통신 기술 개발을 통한 드론 산업 활성화에 앞장서고 있다. 본지는 해양드론기술 황의철 대표에게 해양드론기술의 플랫폼과, 드론 배송 규제와 관련된 현황을 들어봤다.
▲Marine Drone Technology CEO Hwang Ui-cheol
“Long-distance drone activation, frequency regulation relaxation is essential”
'Naraon', Korea's first marine drone delivery platform
Drone 5G communication, ultra-high speed and reduced latency advantages
Signal amplifier/high-performance antenna improves reception rate
[Editor's Note] The drone industry is expanding into various fields. 'Drone delivery' is a service that uses drones to deliver goods to their destinations. It is emerging as a new logistics market because it has various advantages such as reducing logistics costs and shortening delivery times by having drones deliver food, medical supplies, etc. It is expected that the delivery area of drone delivery will continue to expand, and industry development through long-distance drones is expected accordingly. Marine Drone Technology Co., Ltd. launched the first cargo delivery drone service in Korea in 2021 and is leading the way in activating the drone industry through the development of drone communication technology. We spoke to Hwang Ui-cheol, CEO of Marine Drone Technology, about the marine drone technology platform and his opinions on drone delivery regulations.
■ Please introduce your company. Marine Drone Technology Co., Ltd. has started a maritime drone service to deliver small comforts from land to sailors stranded at sea due to landing restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Currently, the company is positioned as an innovative platform that connects ships and local commerce, leading last-mile delivery, and building a safe air route to become a company that promotes coexistence between sea and land.
■ What is ‘Naraon’, the drone logistics delivery service using marine drone technology? 'Naraon', developed by Marine Drone Technology, is a drone delivery platform application. After obtaining the first drone delivery business license in Korea, it provides a service that can quickly and economically deliver necessary items to anchored sailors. Anyone can download and use it from the App Store.
Marine technology drones are currently moving between ships using the drone 'MDT-1600' equipped with delivery equipment, and have delivered free transport approximately 700 times over the past two years. This drone can fly within a 10km radius for up to 60 minutes.
■ Types of drone wireless communication Types of wireless communication for controlling drones include RF, LTE communication, 5G, and satellite communication. Drones are equipped with a controller and communication module to generate control signals and control the drone. The communication module is responsible for communication between the drone and the controller, and transmits the drone's flight information data.
Satellite communications are used not only for communication between drones and ground stations, but also between drones. Real-time location information of drones can be obtained through systems such as GPS, and drones can be detected and controlled using internal sensors.
Marine Drone Technology has established a joint venture with UK-based Skyports and is cooperating in the development of satellite communication technology. Marine Drone Technology will focus on developing capabilities centered on Busan Port and Yeosu Port, centered on drone delivery platform operation know-how and Skyports’ AAM infrastructure and drone service capabilities.
■ What is the long-range drone operation plan and what are the expected effects? For long-distance drone operation, a stable communication environment is essential, and government-level regulatory management is also necessary, including development of location-based technology, battery and charging technology.
In order to achieve stable long-range drone communication and control, it is necessary to reduce the drone's EMI generation and to have high-performance communication modules and stable communication technology.
Drone operation based on 5G can satisfy ultra-high-speed, large-capacity communication and low-latency (URLLC, Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications). In addition, it has the advantage of being less affected by terrain and being able to operate long distances from Seoul to Busan if there is a base station.
As long-distance drone operations become more active, the service area will expand to islands and mountainous areas, making delivery possible, which is expected to result in saving human and material resources. Long-range drones can deliver emergency medicine or daily necessities at high speeds and in a timely manner, and can also be a good business solution from an ESG perspective.
▲Delivery drone of marine drone technology ' MDT-1600' ■ What are the regulations related to communication frequency restrictions? The wireless communication frequency bands available for drone operation are limited by country. Recently, with the development of the drone industry, efforts are being made to expand the wireless frequency bands available for drone operation.
When the regulations related to communication frequency restrictions are relaxed, the frequency bandwidth can be adjusted, or the reception rate can be improved by using signal amplifiers or high-performance antennas. By changing the frequency bandwidth, the optimal bandwidth is selected according to the communication requirements, and the performance is maximized. This can support the safe and accurate control of long-distance drones.
■ I understand that drone communication distance is currently limited according to the special flight safety standards of the Aviation Safety Act. What is the current status? The current Aviation Safety Act special flight safety standards are regulations to ensure the safety of drone operation. Accordingly, the communication distance is limited when flying a drone. The special flight safety standards of the Aviation Safety Act are continuously being revised and supplemented.
Although there are restrictions on drone flight distances in the Aviation Safety Act's Special Flight Safety Standards, these are regulations to ensure safety when operating drones, and this does not mean that long-distance drone flights are impossible.
Research on long-distance drone flights is being conducted domestically and internationally. As drone communication technology advances, restrictions on flight distances may be eased.
■ Compared to the domestic drone manufacturing market, I understand that the service provider-centered response is insufficient. What is the current status? Current domestic drone regulations ensure safety and security in drone operation, but some do not fit with the business models of service providers and some restrict operation.
The government is seeking new regulatory measures through research and collaboration with domestic academia, industry, and research institutes.
For example, there is the Living Logistics Act in Korea. The background to the enforcement of the Living Logistics Act is the rapid growth of 'e-commerce'. The main target of the 'Cargo Truck Transport Business Act' 20 years ago was mainly companies, and 'delivery' did not form a significant scale. However, after the IMF crisis in 1997, damages exceeding 1 trillion won occurred due to reasons such as an increase in the supply of cargo drivers due to an increase in the number of unemployed, a decrease in unit prices due to the inherent multi-level transport structure, and an increase in costs due to rising oil prices. In 2004, the government changed the registration system, which allowed anyone to become a cargo driver if they met the requirements, to a permit system, thereby restricting the increase in new vehicles.
Since then, e-commerce has shaken up offline distribution in the distribution industry, and ‘delivery’ has also grown along with product delivery. However, the law still regulated the increase in new vehicles. In contrast, a 'supply shortage' phenomenon occurred only for small trucks used for delivery, and this became the background for the long-standing demand by the delivery industry for the enactment of the 'Delivery Act'.
The government is making a lot of efforts to activate drone logistics led by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. In order to achieve this, demand is needed. By creating initial demand, companies can survive, and the drone industry ecosystem is expected to develop and regulations to be resolved.