산업통상자원부(이하 산업부)가 ‘꿈의 배터리’로 불리는 전고체 배터리 분야 선도기술을 보유한 미국 기업인 쏠리드파워(Solid Power)와 배터리 분야 협력 방안을 논의하고 우리나라와의 협력추진 상황 공유했다.
Discussion of cooperation plans including R&D and domestic investment in next-generation battery sector
Sharing Solid Power’s technology status and cooperation with Korea The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) discussed cooperation plans in the battery sector with Solid Power, an American company with leading technology in the all-solid-state battery sector, also known as the “dream battery,” and shared the status of cooperation with Korea.
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy reported that Vice Minister of Commerce, Industry and Energy Yang Byung-nae met with a delegation of companies, including Solid Power Chief Operating Officer Derek Johnson, who visited the Ministry on the 18th, and discussed cooperation in the next-generation battery sector.
Solid Power recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with private companies and public research institutes in Korea, including SK On, Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI), and Korea Institute of Technology Evaluation and Planning (KEIT), and is promoting the expansion of cooperation in R&D, etc.
All-solid-state batteries are next-generation batteries with low fire risk and high energy density. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy plans to begin full-scale development of next-generation battery technologies, including all-solid-state batteries, by supporting KRW 117.2 billion by 2028 through the 'High-Performance Next-Generation Secondary Battery Technology Development Project for Eco-Friendly Mobility', which passed the preliminary feasibility study in November of last year.
In today’s interview, Vice Minister Yang Byeong-nae heard about Solid Power’s technological status and the progress of cooperation with Korea.
In addition, we have investment tax deductions, etc. He introduced the government's policy to support foreign investment in cutting-edge industries and requested active consideration of investment in Korea, a leading country in the secondary battery sector.
Vice Minister Yang Byung-nae said, “Since the state visit to the U.S. last April, cooperation in cutting-edge industries between Korea and the U.S. has been actively promoted,” and emphasized, “The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy will continue to spare no effort in providing various support to promote cooperation between Korea and the U.S. in cutting-edge industries such as next-generation private batteries.”