TTTech Auto(티티테크 오토)가 플랫폼 소프트웨어 제품 및 서비스 제공 기업으로서 전략적 포지셔닝과 브랜드 강화를 위해 ‘Made to Drive’라는 새로운 브랜드 슬로건을 내세우며 소프트웨어 정의 차량(4SDV)을 위한 시스템, 세이프티 및 시큐리티에 사업 역점을 둔다.
Announcement of new 'Made to Drive' strategy and brand slogan
TTTech Auto, a provider of platform software products and services, announced that it will focus its business on systems, safety, and security for software-defined vehicles (4SDV) under the new brand slogan, “Made to Drive,” to strengthen its strategic positioning and brand.
Since its founding in 2018, TTTech Auto has established itself as a key player in the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems/Autonomous Driving (ADAS/AD) market with a focus on middleware and safety solutions.
The automotive industry is undergoing a significant transformation with numerous challenges as it works to develop highly autonomous vehicles, particularly those implementing SAE Level 3 and Level 4 capabilities.
This is because system integration and centralization of a different level than before have emerged as major tasks due to the new concept of 'software-defined vehicle' (SDV).
How to implement innovations in the battlefield to realize better customer value at lower cost has become a critical issue for the industry to address.
At the heart of this change are exponentially advancing system-on-chip (SoC) performance and centralized electro-electronic architectures (EEA) to meet industry demands.>
“Middleware solutions that can adapt to these changes and requirements are becoming increasingly important,” says Dirk Linzmeier, CEO of TTTech Auto. “TTTech Auto’s safety middleware product, MotionWise, is a key element for the safe implementation of SDVs. MotionWise optimizes performance, safety, integration and software updates, allowing our customers to focus on the driving experience. You could say that TTTech Auto exists to enable the safe driving of software-defined vehicles.”
“Our mission is to enhance speed, robustness, safety and security in software development, integration and updates, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and expertise to make travel safer and more enjoyable for everyone,” says Stefan Poledna, CTO and co-founder of TTTech Auto. “TTTech Auto is now redesigning itself from being a specialist organization to becoming an enabler and catalyst of innovation, closer to our customers. As a trusted partner, we want to walk with our customers on the path to implementing safe SDV.”
The new brand slogan 'Made to Drive' encapsulates TTTech Auto's technological innovation and dedication to automotive software. The new slogan encapsulates the company’s strategy to enable safe execution and communication across vehicle architectures, integrate best-in-class features more quickly, and enable incremental software updates by shortening revalidation-revalidation-reapproval cycles.
TTTech Auto’s new strategic positioning aims to differentiate itself clearly from the competition by not only targeting SDVs, but also setting a scope that goes beyond the competition through its 4SDV (System, Safety, Security, Software Defined Vehicle) approach, which stands for System, Safety, Security and Software.
For customers who need a strong partner to realize their innovations, TTTech Auto’s platform products and services, as well as its partners, will provide value that will enable them to stand out in the SDV market.
The initiative encompasses an update to TTTech Auto’s branding, messaging and corporate design. Based on CodingBracket, TTTech Auto’s new logo not only provides a fresh and compelling visual appearance, but also embodies TTTech Auto’s focus on technology and software.