주식회사 아이비스(대표이사 남기모)가 에이펙스에이아이(Apex.AI)의 한국지역 사업권을 획득하며, SDV 등 미래차를 위한 토탈 소프트웨어 솔루션과 기술을 공급할 수 있는 기반을 완성했다.
Apex.AI Acquires Business Rights in Korea

Ibis Co., Ltd. (CEO Nam Ki-mo) has acquired the Korean regional business rights for Apex.AI, completing the foundation for supplying total software solutions and technologies for future vehicles such as SDV.
Ibis announced on the 22nd that it signed a contract with Apex.AI on September 30th to sell solutions in the Korean region.
An Ibis official said that this contract was executed as part of the business cooperation memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Ibis and Apex AI in May, and that it contains provisions related to Ibis supplying Apex AI solutions in the Korean region.
Apex AI's solution is a commercial software package based on the open source ROS (Robot OS), a highly reliable real-time service framework that can be utilized in various environments such as future automobiles, robots, and defense.
In particular, since it has secured system performance and obtained functional safety certification (ISO 26262) in fields such as autonomous driving technology that require real-time performance and high reliability, demand in related industries is expected to be high in the future.
As Ibis is also pursuing business expansion into adjacent industries such as robots, defense, and drones based on the technological prowess and business capabilities it has accumulated in the automotive software field, this contract signing will have significant synergy effects. We expect it to be effective.
Ibis provides vehicle real-time data abstraction technology (Alton) and service framework technology for vehicle application interface (Brighton) as essential solutions for implementing SDV architecture, and through this contract signing, it has completed the foundation for supplying total software solutions and technologies for future vehicles by adding Apex.AI solution, an OS software platform that ensures real-time performance and reliability.
Executive Director Jeong-Hyeon Hwang, who is in charge of overall business of Ibis, said, “We will be responsible for providing technical support by utilizing Ibis’ technology and know-how so that Apex AI can be successfully utilized in various industrial fields in Korea.” He also mentioned the significance of this contract and the value of cooperation between the two companies, saying, “In particular, we expect that the added technological value of Apex AI in the rapidly developing mobility field will be able to provide great value to related industries and customers.”
Ibis plans to introduce Apex AI-related technologies at the AIoT International Exhibition held at COEX in Seoul in October and the Defense Robotics Society Conference held at KAIST in Daejeon in November, and will continue to promote its technologies thereafter.