산업통상자원부가 지난 1월 제정된 「첨단산업 인재혁신 특별법」을 활용해 사내대학원, 업종별 아카데미 등 기업이 적극 참여하는 인재양성 시스템을 활성화하는 한편, 특성화대학원과 같이 산학프로젝트 중심의 국내 고급인재 양성사업을 확대하고, 산업계 수요에 기반한 해외인재 유치도 지원할 예정이다.
Held a policy discussion meeting on fostering talent in advanced industries
The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy plans to utilize the “Special Act on Human Resources Innovation in Advanced Industries” enacted in January to activate a talent development system in which companies actively participate, such as in-house graduate schools and industry-specific academies, while expanding domestic high-level talent development projects centered on industry-academia projects, such as specialized graduate schools, and supporting the recruitment of overseas talent based on industrial demand.
On the 19th, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy held a policy meeting on fostering talent in advanced industries, chaired by First Vice Minister Kang Kyung-sung.
The meeting was attended by experts from cutting-edge industry talent training sites, including △Kim Woo-seung, President of the Korea Accreditation Board for Engineering Education △Kang Dong-jin, President of the Council for Innovation in Engineering Education △Hong Seong-ju, Director of the Semiconductor Academy, and specialized graduate schools, who discussed the current status of talent training policies and future directions.
The government plans to focus on fostering talent in cutting-edge industries such as semiconductors. In particular, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy will support specialized talent fostering projects in cutting-edge industries such as specialized graduate schools for cutting-edge industries, industry-specific academies, and overseas industry-academia cooperation projects based on a budget of 351.3 billion won for human resource development in 2024, an 8.3% increase from last year.
The plan is to establish a foundation for increasing participation from the industrial sector through the “Special Act on Talent Innovation in Advanced Industries,” which is scheduled to be implemented in January next year.
First Vice Minister Kang Kyung-sung emphasized, “The key to competitiveness in cutting-edge industries is people,” and said, “As the world is fiercely competing to secure excellent talent, our government will also continue to invest in and actively support the training of talent in cutting-edge industries.”