윤석열 대통령 주재로 개최된 제1차 국가인공지능위원회(국가AI위원회)에서 국가 AI 컴퓨팅 센터 구축 등 최신 GPU를 현재 대비 15배 확충하고, 2027년까지 4년간 민간이 총 65조원에 달하는 AI 투자를 진행하는 등 세계 3대 AI 국가로 도약하기 위한 청사진을 마련했다.

▲President Yoon Seok-yeol speaks at the first meeting of the National Artificial Intelligence Committee. (Photo: Office of the President)
By 2030, the number of new GPUs owned will increase by 15 times compared to today.
AI adoption rate reaches 70% in industry and 95% in public sector
The 1st National Artificial Intelligence Committee (National AI Committee) chaired by President Yoon Seok-yeol established a blueprint to leap forward as one of the world's top 3 AI countries, including expanding the state-of-the-art GPUs by 15 times compared to the current level, establishing a national AI computing center, and conducting private sector investment of a total of 65 trillion won in AI over the four years until 2027.
On the 26th, the government held the National AI Committee launch ceremony at the Four Seasons Hotel Seoul and held the first National AI Committee meeting presided over by President Yoon Seok-yeol.
At this meeting, the government presented the following four major AI flagship projects: △ drastically expanding the national AI computing infrastructure, △ drastically expanding private sector AI investment, △ full-scale national AX, and △ securing AI safety and security, with the vision of realizing a global AI hub country through the AI G3 country leap forward: △ expanding the national AI computing infrastructure, △ drastically expanding private sector AI investment, △ full-scale national AX, and △ securing AI safety and security; and the policy implementation direction for four major areas: △ expanding startups and talent, △ technology and infrastructure innovation, △ establishing an inclusive and fair foundation, and △ securing global leadership, which are at the core of the AI ecosystem.
First, the government plans to expand the size of the latest GPUs it currently owns by more than 15 times (more than 2EF by 2030) and support the early commercialization of domestically produced AI semiconductors.
Up to 2 trillion won based on public-private joint investmentWe will build a 'National AI Computing Center' of the scale of 100 million won and support the expansion of private AI computing infrastructure through a low-interest loan program (until 2027).
In addition, in the process of promotion, we will foster the domestic AI computing ecosystem by introducing domestic AI semiconductors such as NPU and PIM and developing and applying specialized HW/SW technologies.
Over the next four years (2024-2027) starting this year, the private sector will invest a total of 65 trillion won in the AI field, and the government will review related tax support and expand policy financing support such as large-scale fund creation.
We are also promoting a nationwide transformation of AI. First, we plan to establish and promote AX (AI+X) measures for eight major industries, such as manufacturing, finance, and medical/bio, where AI adoption effects are high but AI conversion is slow, and create AI services (public AX) for the public in 18 public sectors, such as safety, disaster, and health, by strengthening AI utilization capabilities through the implementation of a common AI foundation for the entire government.
With this full-scale national AI, we plan to increase the AI adoption rate in industry (70%) and the public sector (95%) by 2030 and improve the overall economic constitution of our country with AI, creating an economic effect of a total of 310 trillion won (as of 2026).
As the risks of advanced AI, such as deepfake crimes and cyber threats, increase worldwide, the importance of AI safety and security is being highlighted.
Accordingly, the 'AI Safety Research Institute' will be established in November of this year as a national dedicated organization to systematically respond to advanced AI risks, and the 'Basic AI Act' to achieve a balanced development of AI and safety/trust will be enacted within the year.
To promote such projects, the government is promoting the fostering of 10 AI unicorn companies by 2030 and securing 200,000 AI talents by 2030 through the facilitation, globalization, and popularization of AI talent training.
In addition, we will expand technological cooperation with leading technology countries and secure competitiveness in on-device AI, a new future AI market. Here, we will promote AI-oriented network advancements such as low-latency, low-power, and edge network innovations, and respond to the increase in AI traffic and power demand through measures such as the enactment of the 'National Basic Power Grid Expansion Special Act'.
In order to develop and spread sustainable AI, we will enact the ‘Digital Inclusion Act’ and prepare measures to prevent unfair discrimination and privacy violations.
Lastly, we will establish basic legal principles such as AI responsibility and rights attribution, which are new issues in the AI era, and prepare measures to protect individuals and vulnerable groups in the era of AI automated decision-making.
Furthermore, as a global AI hub, we plan to continue to expand AI cooperation with leading countries and international organizations and lead discussions on global AI governance.
President Yoon Seok-yeol said, “I declare an ‘all-out national war’ to realize the grand vision of South Korea becoming one of the top three AI powers,” and emphasized, “The ‘National AI Committee’ launched today will serve as the focal point of public-private cooperation that gathers nationwide innovation capabilities and will lead the AI transition that will determine the fate of the country. Let’s work together to design and realize the next 30 years led by AI.”