윤석열 대통령 비상계엄 여파와 거취 문제로 계엄 해제 이후에도 정국이 혼란스러운 상황이다. 계획된 국회 일정들이 모두 올스톱된 가운데 산업 관련 토론회 및 세미나들도 줄줄이 취소되고 있다.

▲National Assembly Building
Cancellation/postponement of National Assembly seminars including National Assembly AI Forum
The political situation remains chaotic even after the lifting of martial law and the issue of President Yoon Seok-yeol’s future. All planned National Assembly schedules have been halted, and industry-related discussions and seminars are being canceled one after another.
The National Assembly Artificial Intelligence Forum scheduled to be held on the 5th has been canceled. The plan was to discuss the future vision of artificial intelligence technology and the direction of infrastructure and policies necessary for sustainable artificial intelligence development.
In addition, most of the seminars scheduled for that day have been canceled or postponed, a National Assembly official said, adding that it is unclear whether future schedules will proceed as planned.
On the 4th, the National Assembly debate on the revision of the Commercial Act was canceled, and all of the seminars hosted by the National Assembly members' offices, which included over 10 seminars, were canceled, leaving only two seminars on the schedule.
As the impeachment bill for the president has been submitted to the National Assembly and the ruling and opposition parties are expected to clash over its passage, if the political chaos continues for a long time, there is a possibility that discussions on legislation and support measures for national industrial and technological policies will be postponed indefinitely.
There is an urgent need to prepare public-private countermeasures to respond to the changing trade and industrial trends in the soon-to-be-launched second term of Trump, but there are concerns that the political chaos could lead to a loss of timeliness in industrial response.