삼성전자가 5일 공시한 2024년 1분기 잠정경영실적에 따르면 매출은 71조원으로 전년동기대비 11.37% 증가했고, 영업이익은 6조6,000억원으로 전년동기대비 931.25% 증가했다.
▲Samsung Electronics 2024 Q1 provisional business performance (unit: trillion won, %, based on consolidated financial statements)
Operating profit of KRW 6.6 trillion, up 931% year-on-year
Samsung Electronics succeeded in shaking off its slump in the first quarter of 2024 and turning around its performance.
Samsung Electronics announced its provisional business performance for the first quarter of 2024 on the 5th.
According to this, based on consolidated financial statements, sales increased by 11.37% year-on-year to KRW 71 trillion, and operating profit increased by 931.25% year-on-year to KRW 6.6 trillion.
According to the industry, the rebound in semiconductor performance is expected to have contributed significantly to this performance recovery.
Detailed performance information will be disclosed in the future.