마이크로칩테크놀로지가 개발자들이 마이크로소프트의 비주얼 스튜디오 코드(VS Code)의 다양한 기능을 보다 잘 활용할 수 있도록 VS Code용 MPLAB 익스텐션의 얼리억세스 버전을 출시했다고 26일 발표했다.
▲MPLAB Extension for VS Code Early Access Version Released / (Image: Microchip)
Expanding developer support within the VS Code ecosystem
Continuous feature improvements based on developer feedback
Microchip Technology Inc. today announced the early access release of the MPLAB Extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code), enabling developers to better leverage the capabilities of VS Code.
With this release, embedded developers can continue to receive Microchip’s debugging and programming support while importing projects from their MPLAB X integrated development environment (IDE) into VS Code.
Microchip plans to launch more products and services for embedded developers in the long term, starting with offering Microchip products and services to developers working with the VS Code system.
MPLAB X IDE is a scalable, highly configurable software program that integrates powerful tools to help you develop, debug, and verify embedded designs for most Microchip microcontrollers and digital signal controllers.
Microchip is currently releasing this program in Early Access form to provide customers with the tools they need quickly, and will continue to incorporate user feedback. They stated that they plan to continue improving this extension program.
“Microchip is committed to enabling developers to work in the environment they prefer, and this release of MPLAB Extensions enables developers to continue working in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) they are most familiar with while taking full advantage of Microchip’s full device support and tool set,” said Rodger Richey, vice president of Microchip’s development systems and university outreach programs. “This combination provides the optimal mix of familiarity and functionality, enabling developers to easily integrate Microchip’s resources and all of its components.”
This early access release of the MPLAB Extension for VS Code lets you import MPLAB X IDE projects, compile for all supported Microchip devices, and perform programming and basic debugging tasks.
Additionally, the MPLAB Data Visualizer extension allows developers to see visually what is actually happening on the device when their programs run within VS Code.
In a future update, we will be bringing the MPLAB Code Configurator to VS Code to help you set up pre-configured projects. Additionally, a VS Code extension for the MPLAB Machine Learning Development Suite is in development, as well as additional MPLAB extensions to support AI code generation so that code can be reviewed and improved within the IDE.
This release marks the first time that MPLAB IDE software has been made available outside the traditional MPLAB development ecosystem, marking the beginning of integration between Microchip and the VS Code community.
The features currently available are designed to meet developers’ immediate needs, and Microchip plans to continually improve the tool set and add functionality through new extensions in the future.