한국산업기술기획평가원(KEIT, 원장 전윤종)은 한국반도체산업협회, 한국반도체연구조합과 26일 양재 엘타워에서 인구감소 및 고령화 시대 대비를 위한 ‘스마트 라이프’를 주제로 제9회 첨단센서포럼을 개최했다. 이번 포럼에서 참가자들은 국내 센서산업이 발달하기 위해서 의료, 로봇, AI 산업과 상생협력을 강조했다.
▲Director Jeon Yun-jong of the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation and Planning is giving a welcoming speech.
The 9th Advanced Sensor Forum, Discussion of Smart Life Technology to Solve Population Decline and Aging
“In order for the domestic sensor industry to develop, cooperation with the medical, robotics, and AI industries must be strengthened.”
The Korea Institute of Technology Evaluation and Planning (KEIT, President Jeon Yun-jong), along with the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association and the Korea Semiconductor Research Association, held the 9th Advanced Sensor Forum on the 26th at Yangjae L Tower with the theme of ‘Smart Life’ to prepare for the era of population decline and aging.
The Advanced Sensor Forum, hosted annually by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, has been held since 2015 with industry-specific themes, and this year marks the 9th year of the forum, focusing on smart life technologies to solve the problems of population decline and aging.
This forum explored ways to solve social problems and create new industrial opportunities through the convergence of advanced sensor technology and the medical, robotics, and AI industries.
In the keynote speech, Kakao Healthcare CEO Hwang Hee and Naver Cloud Center Director Ha Jung-woo presented domestic and international status and technology trends on the topic of the convergence of digital healthcare and AI industries with the sensor industry.
At the technology seminar, Professor Jaehong Park of Seoul National University presented the 'Avatar Robot System' on the topic of robots and healthcare, and RS Automation Research Director Sanghoon Lee presented the 'Announced 'Brain Robot Motion of the 4th Industrial Revolution'.
Park Sang-jin, director of DX&VS Center, presented a smart life through precision medicine, and Hwang In-seong, CTO of Sentech Korea, presented a respiratory analysis disease diagnosis system.
In conjunction with the forum, the opportunity to expand win-win cooperation between the sensor industry and other industries was created through exhibitions of major products and demonstrations of core technologies by promising domestic sensor companies participating in the 'Korea-led K-Sensor for Market Leadership' project.
Participants agreed that in order for the domestic sensor industry to grow, it needs to cooperate with the medical, robotics, and artificial intelligence industries.
KEIT President Jeon Yoon-jong stated that in order to secure a lead in the market for advanced sensors, he would “listen more closely to the voices of the research field and expand support for innovative technology development through R&D planning, evaluation, and management centered on industrial demand.”
Kim Jeong-hoe, Vice Chairman of the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association, said, “We will continue to work actively to ensure that opinions from the field are reflected in government policies. In particular, we will create various opportunities to strengthen close cooperation between academia, industry, and research so that new tasks can be derived that reflect new technologies and market demands.”

▲Kim Jeong-hoe, executive vice chairman of the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association, is giving a welcoming speech.