황희 카카오헬스케어 대표가 ‘제9회 첨단센서포럼’에서 ‘센서를 이용한 디지털 헬스케어 작업’이라는 주제로 발표하며, 센서를 잘 사용하기 위해서는 이를 잘 이용할 애플리케이션 개발이 무엇보다 중요하다고 밝혔다.
Medical sensors have been used for a long time, but their reflection of daily life data is still slow
Contribute to actual health improvement through the use of medical data through real-time and continuous measurement
“Although the use of sensors in medicine has been around for nearly 100 years, the medical use of health data collected in everyday life has not yet been activated. Recently, as precision medicine has become more important, the development of applications for data collection is essential to effectively use everyday health data obtained from sensors. “This is why collaboration between sensor companies and app developers is more important than ever.”
At the 9th Advanced Sensor Forum held at L Tower on the 26th, Hwang Hee, CEO of Kakao Healthcare, gave a presentation on the topic of “Digital Healthcare Using Sensors,” and stated that in order to make good use of sensors, developing applications that can make good use of them is most important.
CEO Hwang Hee said that data is the most important thing for precision medicine, and that in addition to clinical data, genomic data is needed, and all data generated by patients at home outside of the hospital is needed.
For this, he mentioned that sensors are a very important tool, and if data cannot be measured with sensors, there is no predictable data.
In this regard, it is very difficult for sensor development companies to collect data, and sensor manufacturers said that it is important to create value by linking sensors and software rather than developing direct applications.
For this, he argued, collaboration between sensor manufacturers and application developers is important.
In this regard, while presenting a case study on diabetes data measurement and blood sugar management, he mentioned that if there is a high-quality medical sensor, data collection is possible 24 hours a day through a smartphone app, and if application developers design healthcare applications to make this medically meaningful data, medical data can be created and managed not only in hospitals but also in everyday life.
Lastly, he said that if collaboration between sensors and software developers is the foundation, medical healthcare-related businesses can grow rapidly, and if sensors are combined with artificial intelligence, the related industry can grow as a single medical agent from the user's perspective.