힐셔의 CMO(최고 마케팅 책임자)인 크리스티안 테퍼(Christian Tepper)가 독일 뉘른베르크에서 열린 SPS 2024에서 기가비트 기술의 중요성과 보안의 필수성을 강조하며, 힐셔는 새로운 netX 900 칩을 통해 기가비트 지원형 보안 산업용 네트워크를 제공하며, 사이버 보안을 포함한 강력한 네트워크 솔루션을 구축하고 있다고 언급했다.
Provides gigabit-capable secure industrial network via the Hilscher netX 900 chip
“Gigabit without security mechanisms will not be possible. We are considering whether to apply these requirements to our next-generation chips.”
Christian Tepper, Chief Marketing Officer at Hilscher, emphasized the importance of gigabit technology and the imperative for security at SPS 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany.
“The gap between IT and OT is narrowing and networking is accelerating,” warned Christian Tepper. “Gigabit technology cannot be realized without security.”
Additionally, Hilscher is offering a gigabit-capable secure industrial network with its new netX 900 chip, building a robust network solution that includes cybersecurity. Hilscher said that its netX technology provides a multi-protocol communication platform for fieldbus, industrial Ethernet and IIoT, and devices like the netX 90 allow for easy protocol changes.
Additionally, Hillscher said it is taking a one-source approach to all netX-based products, enabling customers to develop communications solutions in a short period of time and accelerate time to market.
“We are at the most significant communications technology transition since the 100Mbit protocol,” said Christian Tepper. “Gigabit technology is making cybersecurity even more important.”
Hillscher plans to launch its next-generation netX early-adopter program in the second half of 2025.